The Art of Dashboard Design: 7 Fundamentals to Master

Why is designing for dashboards so important? It serves as a visual display that represents the most important information needed to achieve a specific objective. But how do you start? What if your not a design expert? This guide will arm you with the top fundamental design concepts that you can apply to the most basic of visuals.
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5 meilleures pratiques pour créer des tableaux de bord efficaces

Sélection mesures pertinentes à inclure dans votre tableau de bord est critique. Surtout, ils doit être métriques qui comptent et qui sont pertinentes pour l'emploi à portée de main . mais ceci ne signifie pas chaque métrique devrait être incluse - loin de là. Vous devriez être très sélective pour déterminer quelles mesures gagner une place sur votre tableau de bord .
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10 principales tendances en matière de solution décisionnelle pour 2015

Tout comme le paysage de business intelligence a transformé en libre-service données , il faut aussi que la gouvernance transformer . Approches simples comme verrouillage bas tous les données d'entreprise ne fonctionneront plus - ni volonté de l'approche la suppression de tout processus du tout . Organisations vont commencer à enquêter ce qui signifie la gouvernance dans un monde de l'analyse en libre-service .
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7 tendances du cloud

Un des plus grands changements qui se dessinent dans le nuage marché est l'attitude de l'informatique. cloud réussie applications telles que Salesforce et journée de travail, et les dirigeants de l'infrastructure de cloud comme Amazon , gagné du terrain au début avec des groupes d'affaires cherchent à contourner des obstacles. Aujourd'hui, cependant , Il est souvent le sponsor principal de la transition vers le cloud .
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5 Best Practices for Creating Effective Dashboards

Selecting relevant metrics to include in your dashboard is critical. Above all, they must be metrics that matter and that are relevant to the job at hand. But that doesn’t mean every metric should be included – far from it. You should be highly selective in determining which metrics earn a spot on your dashboard.
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Which chart or graph is right for you?

You’ve got data and you’ve got questions. Creating a chart or graph links the two, but sometimes you’re not sure which type of chart will get the answer you seek. This paper answers questions about how to select the best charts for the type of data you’re analyzing and the questions you want to answer. But it won’t stop there!
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Guaranteed data security with Software-defined Storage

The term „software-defined“ is now regularly used to describe storage. You would be hard-pressed to find any major supplier who today does not use this keyword to describe their products. Yet, what exactly does this concept imply, what are the advantages for businesses when they implement it and at what point is it worthwhile considering software-defined storage?
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Une solution SDS simplifie le processus de gestion du stockage

Le terme « software-defined » sert souvent à décrire le stockage. Il est pratiquement impossible de trouver aujourd’hui un grand fournisseur qui ne qualifie pas ainsi ses produits. Toutefois, en quoi consiste exactement le stockage SDS, quels sont les avantages pour l’entreprise qui le met en oeuvre et dans quelle mesure convient-il de s’y intéresser ?
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Limelight Orchestrate for Media & Broadcast

Every broadcaster and media content owner struggles with how to simplify and reduce costs of media publishing workflow. Instantaneously delivering high quality video worldwide to every screen has led to needlessly complex systems. Too often, multiple third party tools are required to encode, publish, and deliver high performing content, as well as integrate ads, gather analytics, and ensure content security—all of which can impact how quickly you can deliver high quality content to your viewers, who expect a seamless experience on every screen.
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Using JMSL in Hadoop MapReduce Applications

The prototypical Hadoop MapReduce application has at least one Mapper class, one Reducer class, and one driver class. The Mapper class reads the input data and creates intermediate data. The Reducer class accumulates intermediate information and emits a combined result. The Driver class extends the Hadoop class Configured and implements the Hadoop Tool interface, and is used to configure and execute the job.
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