All Systems Go

Do your systems engineering projects suffer from product-decision gridlock or arduous concept, design and validation phases that lead to unpredictable development costs and late releases?

Coordinating requirements management, verification and validation among the competing interests and inputs of multiple teams, all while striving to guarantee successful system development is a formidable challenge. But you have wise advocates on your side.

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Tableau Metadata Model

The first layer of abstraction is the Connection. The Connection stores information about how to access the data and what data to make available to Tableau. The connection attributes for the database, the tables, views and columns to use, and any joins or custom SQL used to access the data. To support true ad hoc analysis, Tableau does not require that all fields, tables or joins be included in the initial connection. This allows users to get started with a simple connection and change it as needed to include more fields or tables.
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Trust Online is at the Breaking Point

Most alarming threat to security professional in 2015 is a Cryptoapocalypse: a discovered cryptographic weakness that becomes the ultimate weapon, allowing websites, payment transactions, stock trades, and government to be spoofed or surveilled (term was coined by researches presenting their findings at Black Hat 2013).
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Unfettered Mobility: Driving the International Extended Enterprise

Organisations are increasingly international in both their outlook and their operations. Despite these developments, international workers continue to be impeded by their organisations' approaches to mobility.

IDC research highlights that when working internationally, employees make a distinct change in their communication preferences, becoming less available and less collaborative. This impacts both productivity and job satisfaction.

This whitepaper outlines the learnings that can be implemented in mobile policies by senior decision makers who are responsible for managing telecommunications across the globe.

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Unfettered Mobility: Research Highlights

Organisations are increasingly international in both their outlook and their operations. This is being driven by developments in the global economy and the search for new partners, as well as access to travel and communications. As a result, businesses are making greater use of a global network of customers, suppliers and partners. IDC refers to this network as the International Extended Enterprise.
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Stop Unauthorized Privileged Access

SSH is a cryptographic security protocol used to connect administrators and machines. While SSH keys are often used to secure access to the most sensitive systems and data, there is usually little awareness or policy enforcement in place around their use. If you don’t know which administrator or SSH key has access to which servers, your IT environment may already be at risk.
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Prevent Costly Outages Due to Expired Digital Certificates

Your organization, like so many others, is most likely increasing its use of SSL/TLS to protect sensitive data and reduce risk. To accomplish this, organizations rely on digital certificates to enable encryption and authenticate communications for customers, partners, and employees. These digital certificates are also used to secure machine-to-machine authentication and mobile applications.
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Hearts Continue to Bleed: Heartbleed One Year Later

Using the recently released Venafi TrustNet certificate reputation service, the Venafi Labs team re-evaluated SSL/TLS vulnerabilities in Q1 2015 and found that most Global 2000 organizations have failed to completely remediate Heartbleed—now a full year after the vulnerability was first publicly disclosed.

This leaves these organizations vulnerable to cyberattacks, future brand damage, and intellectual property loss. In one oft-cited incident, Community Health Systems was breached by the Chinese APT 18 group, who exploited incomplete Heartbleed remediation and unprotected keys to steal data on 4.5 million patients.

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What’s New in Self-Service Analytics: Top Insights from Our Annual Survey

Why is self-service so critical to businesses? And how is it impacting the relationship between business users and IT departments? Join us as we highlight groundbreaking key findings from our second annual report on the State of Self-Service BI. Intended to make business users more self-reliant and less dependent on their IT teams for data analysis, this report contains comprehensive insights that investigates the underlying need, opportunities for improvement, and key trends and issues affecting the industry.

What’s covered:

· Evolving trends coming in self-service business intelligence

· Key self-service BI capabilities in demand now

· Challenges today that are hampering self-service user adoption & how to overcome them

Event Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Session Times: 10am EST // 3pm GMT OR 3pm EST // 8pm GMT

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Customer Messaging: Exceed Consumer Expectations and Reduce Costs

To keep up with consumer demands, brands are increasingly adopting mobile messaging technology. Those that don't are getting left behind. Read the LivePerson and Aberdeen group report to learn:

•Why messaging is up to 23% more cost effective than voice
•How to double customer lifetime value through data-driven messaging and agent training

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Replicación Veeam: La protección un paso más allá

No cabe duda que cada día hay una mayor relación entre la actividad objeto del negocio, la que proporciona los beneficios, y la tecnología utilizada en cada organización. Y del acierto en la elección de estos dependerá totalmente el éxito o fracaso de cada organización. Ciñéndonos al apartado estrictamente tecnológico existe una relación directa, como ocurre con el comercio online, donde la más mínima variación sobre el comportamiento previsto impacta directamente a la cuenta de resultados, y existen relaciones indirectas, como ocurre con servicios financieros, donde la indisponibilidad de un servicio de consulta online, afecta a la imagen de la compañía, lo que repercutirá negativamente en los resultados futuros, especialmente si esta situación se repite.
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Operation Lotus Blossom

Operation Lotus Blossom describes a persistent cyber espionage campaign against government and military organizations in Southeast Asia, stretching back over three years. Nations we have identified as targeted in this campaign include Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. The Lotus Blossom group deploys a backdoor Trojan, named Elise, after the sports car made by Group Lotus PLC of the United Kingdom.
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Threat Landscape Review

It is essential that information security practitioners, from management and governance to enablement and execution, stay up to date on the trends, distribution patterns and risks presented by the ever-evolving threat landscape.
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Threat Intelligence Cloud

No organization today is immune to cybercrime. Cyber criminals are ramping up activity across the globe and utilizing new methods to evade traditional security measures. An effective network security solution must not only prevent known threats from entering and damaging the network, but also leverage global threat intelligence to protect the network from unknown threats. Traditional detection-focused solutions typically focus on a single threat vector across a specific section of the network, leaving multiple areas vulnerable to attack. In addition, these legacy solutions are made up of a “patchwork” of point products that make it very difficult to coordinate and share intelligence among the various devices. By employing the Palo Alto Networks® Threat Intelligence Cloud, businesses can reduce their attack surface, block all known threats, and leverage the global threat community to detect unknown threats and convert them into known, stoppable threats.
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