Operation Lotus Blossom

Operation Lotus Blossom describes a persistent cyber espionage campaign against government and military organizations in Southeast Asia, stretching back over three years. Nations we have identified as targeted in this campaign include Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia. The Lotus Blossom group deploys a backdoor Trojan, named Elise, after the sports car made by Group Lotus PLC of the United Kingdom.
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Threat Landscape Review

It is essential that information security practitioners, from management and governance to enablement and execution, stay up to date on the trends, distribution patterns and risks presented by the ever-evolving threat landscape.
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Threat Intelligence Cloud

No organization today is immune to cybercrime. Cyber criminals are ramping up activity across the globe and utilizing new methods to evade traditional security measures. An effective network security solution must not only prevent known threats from entering and damaging the network, but also leverage global threat intelligence to protect the network from unknown threats. Traditional detection-focused solutions typically focus on a single threat vector across a specific section of the network, leaving multiple areas vulnerable to attack. In addition, these legacy solutions are made up of a “patchwork” of point products that make it very difficult to coordinate and share intelligence among the various devices. By employing the Palo Alto Networks® Threat Intelligence Cloud, businesses can reduce their attack surface, block all known threats, and leverage the global threat community to detect unknown threats and convert them into known, stoppable threats.
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Breaking the Cyber Attack Lifecycle

Cybercrime is big business. By many estimates, cybercrime is now a US$1 trillion dollar industry. Every organization with digital assets is vulnerable to attack and the growing sophistication of cyber criminals and their evolving tactics only increases the chance of a security breach involving the theft of sensitive data. Effective cyber defense must withstand changes to adversaries’ tactics and tools that traditional, non-integrated “best of breed” approaches cannot address. It must also protect against advanced known threats, as well as unknown threats, which can be challenging to address with legacy solutions. The Enterprise Security Platform from Palo Alto Networks® is a modern approach to providing new defense and resilience in detecting and preventing attacks at every stage of the Cyber Attack Lifecycle.
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Top 10 Reasons Enterprises Choose Veeam

There are a lot of decisions to be made in today’s modern data center. One key decision is how to ensure availability for the data center. The Always-On Business™ is powered by the data center, and everything supporting it is strategic to the business. This white paper will outline key decision points that enterprise organizations have looked at when deciding to build their availability strategy with Veeam® Availability Suite™.
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Entwicklung eines Soll-Zustandes Ihrer Anwendungslandschaft

Wohin soll die Entwicklung gehen … und was kann das Endresultat sein?

Gehen Sie einmal davon aus, dass Sie Ihre Anwendungslandschaft und –architektur evaluiert haben. Dann ist es nun Zeit sich mit Details zu beschäftigen und eine Roadmap für Ihre Vision aufzustellen. Wie sieht es mit der Durchführbarkeit aus? Welche Schritte müssen denn nun genau veranlasst werden, um die Komplexität der Anwendungsarchitektur zu reduzieren?

Dieses Webinar beschäftigt sich mit:

• dem Design einer Soll-Anwendungsarchitektur und den einzelnen Schritten auf dem Weg dorthin

• der Verwendung relevanter Kriterien während der Analyse und Entwicklung der verschiedenen Soll-Szenarien

• der Ermittlung der für das Business optimalen Weiterentwicklung

• der Auswirkungsanalyse bei einem Wechsel von Ist- zu Soll-Architektur

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Cómo ayuda Dropbox para empresas al equipo técnico a reducir riesgos

Las soluciones para compartir heredadas se diseñaron para mantener a salvo los datos internos. No obstante, no ofrecen garantías a la hora de compartir de forma segura y durante desplazamientos de los usuarios, lo que puede introducir riesgos técnicos. Con Dropbox para empresas, los usuarios pueden compartir de manera interna y externa sin poner en peligro la capacidad de controlar y supervisar el flujo de datos. Los controles de uso compartido, las funciones de administración y la supervisión de actividades ayudan al equipo técnico a reducir riesgos de manera que tus equipos puedan colaborar con seguridad.
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Évaluation des solutions de partage et de synchronisation de fichiers : 12 questions à poser au sujet de la sécurité

Il est vrai que les fonctionnalités de partage et de synchronisation de fichiers peuvent accroître la productivité, mais comment pouvez-vous déterminer la solution la mieux adaptée à vos besoins ? Vous allez très certainement prendre en compte un certain nombre de critères pour orienter votre décision et, si vous êtes comme la plupart des autres entreprises, la sécurité est l'une de vos principales priorités. Voici quelques questions importantes sur la sécurité qu'il convient de poser aux éditeurs de solutions de partage et de synchronisation de fichiers.
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Hoe Dropbox voor bedrijven helpt IT-risico’s te beperken

Traditionele oplossingen voor het delen van bestanden zijn ontworpen om interne gegevens veilig te houden. Ze bieden echter geen bescherming voor extern delen en mobiliteit van gebruikers. Dit kan onverwachte IT-risico's opleveren. Met Dropbox voor bedrijven kunnen gebruikers bestanden zowel intern als extern delen, terwijl je nog steeds de gegevensstroom kunt beheren en bewaken. Functies voor delen, beheermogelijkheden en activiteitsbewaking beperken de IT-risico's, zodat al je teams veilig kunnen samenwerken.
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Fem punkter når du vurderer en løsning for filsynkronisering og -deling

Det å velge en ny tjeneste eller et nytt verktøy kan være en lang og komplisert prosess. Når det er på tide å se etter en løsning for filsynkronisering og -deling for bedriften, virker listen med punkter man bør ta hensyn til uendelig lang. Her er fem viktige punkter du kan bruke til å se etter de riktige funksjonene og stille de riktige spørsmålene.
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How Dropbox for Business helps IT reduce risk

Legacy file sharing solutions were designed to keep internal data secure. They don't, however, provide safeguards for external sharing and user mobility — and this can introduce unexpected IT risk. With Dropbox for Business, users are enabled to share internally and externally without compromising your ability to control and monitor the flow of data. Sharing controls, administrative capabilities, and activity monitoring help IT limit risk so that all of your teams can collaborate securely.
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12 Questions to Ask About Security

File sync and share can increase productivity, but how do you pick a solution that works for you? There will likely be a number of factors guiding your decision, and if you’re like most businesses, security is high on the list. Here are some important questions to ask file sync and share vendors about security.
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