A Guide to REST and API Design

In his 1966 book “The Psychology of Science,” American psychologist Abraham Maslow tackled the idea that those in the field of psychology needed to approach treatment from multiple perspectives, to take on new ideas, and not just continue using the same theories and techniques created by Freud and his followers so many years ago. Acknowledging that changing your point of view can be difficult, Maslow wrote “[I]t is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything like a nail.” We have all had this experience. We get so used to the way things have been done in the past, we sometimes don’t question the reasons for doing them.
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5 Ways to Get Top Mobile App Developer Talent for Your Open APIs

In 2007, Apple launched the iPhone, effectively the first smartphone. With its touch-screen interface and ability to run lightweight apps, the iPhone revolutionized the mobile phone market. The arrival of the iPad tablet in 2010 increased the potential of mobile apps significantly, simply by offering a larger touch-screen.

In the wake of the iPhone and iPad has come a deluge of mobile devices, with Google’s Android operating system emerging as a serious competitor to Apple’s iOS technology. In addition to smartphones and tablets, the app paradigm is increasingly being used to enhance and connect all types of devices – from TVs to gaming systems to vehicles to utilities meters and beyond.

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Secure Mobile Access for Enterprise Employees

Mobile technology is revolutionizing the corporate IT landscape. Enterprises want to leverage mobile to maximize employee productivity, efficiency and availability. Meanwhile, employees are already taking the initiative by using their own personal mobile devices for business purposes. For enterprises, the benefits of enterprise mobility and the reality of the “bring-your-own-device” (BYOD) movement are becoming impossible to ignore.
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A Winning API Strategy: Developing Secure Mobile Apps with a UX that Delights Customers

Today, the UX of an app has come to embody the characteristics of a product or service that are important to the individual. It’s the recognized feeling one receives when interacting with the app, how pervasive the app becomes throughout one’s life and the lasting memory the individual has after connecting with the business.

But a good UX, while ideally delivering enduring business results, must overcome obstacles to be successful. For instance, not every app type has the same user experience. Web apps, while easier to maintain and extend to the mobile device, don’t always render well across different devices ultimately driving organizations to develop new native mobile apps in order to deliver the optimal user experience expected. But native apps possess their own challenges with security being a primary concern.

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The Chief Digital Officer’s Guide to Digital Transformation

Today, digital is everywhere—cloud, mobile, social and the Internet of Things are changing the way we all work and play. This rapidly evolving digital world is also redefining the relationship between your business and your customers, who now expect a convenient, interactive experience from their preferred brands. Security is also a concern. Risk is rising, as both the enterprise and its customers exchange a growing amount of sensitive data.
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API Monetization: Unlocking the Value of Your Data

It should come as no surprise that exposing business data outside of the enterprise creates a range of new security and management challenges. API Management solutions make it simple for even the most security-conscious organization to open their information assets without impacting data security or the performance of backend systems. So in the end, you can focus not on the risks of API monetization, but rather, on the rewards.
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API Strategy and Architecture: A Coordinated Approach

The rise of the application programming interface (API) represents a business opportunity and a technical challenge. For business leaders, APIs present the opportunity to open new revenue streams and maximize customer value. But enterprise architects are the ones charged with creating the APIs that make backend systems available for reuse in new Web and mobile apps.
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Transforming Digital Business with APIs

The app, in many digital forms, mobile, cloud and the Internet of Things, has created the opportunity for enterprises to optimize interaction with employees, customers and business partners fundamentally new ways. Chooseing the right digital platform can be the difference between success and failure.
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Protecting Your APIs Against Attack and Hijack

The application programming interface (API) is an emerging technology for integrating applications using Web technology. This approach is exploding in popularity because it builds on well-understood techniques and leverages some existing infrastructure. But it is a mistake to think you can secure APIs using the same methods and technology with which we secured the browser-centric Web. APIs are fundamentally different from websites and have an entirely unique risk profile that must be addressed.
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Disparate Communications: Limit the Ability to Grow Business

It isn’t often we meet a business owner that doesn’t want to grow their business. Business growth has always meant more work for the long-suffering guys in IT.

For them, growth means a myriad of problems to struggle with and solve, such as -

• Sourcing and supplying staff equipment

• Increasing the bandwidth of current systems

• Negotiating new service contracts

• Maintaining existing levels of service

Download this whitepaper to explore the different channels of communication for a growing business environment.

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Out-dated Technology, Can’t Adapt to Changes in Environment

Call us cynical but if you ask us, whomever it was that said, “a change is as good as a rest”, they clearly never worked in IT.

Don’t get us wrong. We know better than anyone that truly successful businesses embrace the future. That they move forward and adapt in order to thrive. We know that change is indeed a good thing - but is it easy?

Change within a business can come in a variety of forms and this whitepaper can show you the way.

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Separate Communication Systems are Inefficient & Complex to Manage

When it comes to channels of communication within a business, the word ‘separation’ has long been obsolete. It isn’t often a CEO talks proudly about the many separate means of communication his or her employees use. These days everyone knows that when it comes to sharing information in the workplace the buzzwords are ‘integrated’ and ‘cloud’.

This whitepaper can help break this down for you and show you some great options for a more efficient work environment.

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Live Event: Cloud & SDN – What It Means For Your Wi-Fi

The rapid evolution of networking solutions and the impact of macro technology trends makes future-proofing your infrastructure more complex than ever. With hype around Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Cloud reaching tipping point, what impact do these technologies have on the future design, deployment, and support of your wireless LAN infrastructure?

Join us on Thursday, 21 January 2016 to explore the possibilities and chart Wi-Fi’s evolutionary path to determine where best to place your bets in 2016 and beyond.

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Live Event: Cloud & SDN – What It Means For Your Wi-Fi

The rapid evolution of networking solutions and the impact of macro technology trends makes future-proofing your infrastructure more complex than ever. With hype around Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Cloud reaching tipping point, what impact do these technologies have on the future design, deployment, and support of your wireless LAN infrastructure?

Join us on Thursday, 21 January 2016 to explore the possibilities and chart Wi-Fi’s evolutionary path to determine where best to place your bets in 2016 and beyond.

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Analyst Webinar ‐ Building the Connected Experience

In this webinar you will learn from Forrester about Wi-Fi trends in 2016 that include:

• How Cloud Networking is becoming the new standard for network management

• The evolution of Wi-Fi, from basic connectivity to systems of personalized engagement and business intelligence

• The importance of having an application platform that leverages your wireless network

• Examples from customers that are using their networks to transform their business

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