Data Visualization: When Data Speaks Business

See why organizations are increasingly recognizing that to be competitive, they need to be data-driven, for which they need not only strong analytics and BI capabilities at all decision levels, but also an effective way to transform data into information and ensure its optimal delivery.
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Follow the Money: Big Data ROI and Inline Analytics

Wikibon conducted in-depth interviews with organizations that had achieved Big Data success and high rates of returns. These interviews determined an important generality: that Big Data winners focused on operationalizing and automating their Big Data projects. They used Inline Analytics to drive algorithms that directly connected to and facilitated automatic change in the operational systems-of-record. These algorithms were usually developed and supported by data tables derived using Deep Data Analytics from Big Data Hadoop systems and/or data warehouses. Instead of focusing on enlightening the few with pretty historical graphs, successful players focused on changing the operational systems for everybody and managed the feedback and improvement process from the company as a whole.
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The Seven Essential Practices for Effective Business Continuity Management

Making changes to your business strategy can often create new risks. If your business continuity management (BCM) plan is not part of an organization-wide, integrated program, it may not evolve to address these new risks. Understand which practices can be followed to successfully protect your organization’s business operations and reputation with a proactive, business-centric approach to BCM that highlights critical practices.
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Increasing the Bottom Line by Knowing Your Customers Better

As today’s organizations focus more intensely on their prospects and customers, the ability to collect and analyze customer information has become critical. Collecting and utilizing customer data is essential to developing a loyal customer base and optimizing product offerings. To better understand where organizations are on the path to developing a larger and more comprehensive data set about their customers and prospects, Slashdot Media fielded a Pulse survey to ask users how they are getting to know their customers better. Register now to read the results.
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Rapid Insight With Results: Harnessing Analytics in the Cloud

Today’s data-driven organization is faced with magnified urgency around data volume, user needs and compressed decision time frames. In order to address these challenges while maintaining an effective analytical culture, many organizations are exploring cloud-based environments coupled with powerful business intelligence (BI) and analytical technology to accelerate decisions and enhance business performance. Register to access the report now.
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Planning For Big Data, Preparing For Business Analytics

Ziff Davis recently surveyed 302 IT professionals to gain insight into their big data and analytics strategies. The survey revealed that many organizations were struggling to move from planning phases to execution and suggested a number of possible pain points around big data initiatives.
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