The DIY Guide to Open Source Vulnerability Management

According to SAP, more than 80% of all cyber attacks are happening on the application layer,1 specifically targeting software applications rather than the network.

Hackers take the easiest path when determining exploits and choose applications that offer the best attack surface opportunities. Those opportunities are generally created by unpatched or outdated software.

For example, Heartbleed, a dangerous security flaw, critically exposes OpenSSL, an open source project used in hundreds of thousands of applications that need to secure communications over computer networks against eavesdropping. Yet 56% of all OpenSSL versions that Cisco Security Research examined in its 2015 security report2 were still vulnerable to Heartbleed, more than two years after the Heartbleed vulnerability was first disclosed and a patched version issued.

This illustrates the difficulty organizations have in inventorying and managing open source components rather than a lack of security diligence. Without a comprehensive list of open source components in use, it is nearly impossible for any organization to identify specific applications that use vulnerable components.

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Know Your Code: Don’t Get Blindsided by Open Source Security Risks During Development

Application security is a strategic imperative for organizations developing internal and public-facing software. Exploits of software security vulnerabilities can result in loss of customer or company information, disruption of business operations, damage to public image, regulatory penalties, and costly litigation.

Adding to the management challenge, the software development life cycle (SDLC) is increasingly complex. Demands for agility and faster time to market, distributed development teams, and rapidly evolving languages and technologies are all contributing factors.

To remain competitive, development teams increasingly rely on open source software—cost-effective, reusable software building blocks created and maintained by global communities of developers.

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Navigating the Open Source Risk Landscape

Open source use isn’t risky, but unmanaged use of open source is.

Open source software forms the backbone of nearly every application in every industry. Chances are that includes the applications your company develops as well. If you can’t produce an accurate inventory of the licenses, versions, and patch status of the open source components in your applications, it’s time to assess your open source management policies.

This paper provides insights and recommendations to help organizations and their development and IT teams better manage the open source risk landscape. It covers:

  • Open source license risk and the need to identify and catalog open source licenses.
  • Security risk that comes with open source use and inadequate vulnerability management.
  • Operational open source risk, version control, and the dangers of using inactive components.

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2019 Open Source Security And Risk Analysis

Can you say with confidence that the open source components used in your applications are up-to-date with all crucial patches applied? It’s impossible to patch software when you don’t know you’re using it.

The 2019 OSSRA report offers an in-depth look at the state of open source security, compliance, and code quality risk in commercial software. Based on the anonymized data of over 1,200 audited codebases, this report provides:

  • The latest insights and surprising statistics about open source security and license risk.
  • The components most likely to have identified vulnerabilities.
  • Six key recommendations to improve your application risk management processes.

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5 Tips for Reducing Time Waste In Your Business

Waste comes in many forms, and is epidemic in business today. Reducing waste helps MSPs to both increase margins and growth their businesses at the same time. So how do you effectively reduce waste in your organization? How do you create a sustainable infrastructure that allows you to get ahead of the game and stay there?

This e-book is designed to help you get started on the path to reducing waste. Focus on these 5 things as a starting point and you’ll be well on your way to reducing costs and minimizing waste in your MSP.

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IT Glue 2018 Global MSP

2018 marks the first year of the IT Glue Global MSP Benchmark Report, and we received an absolutely fantastic response. So thank you!

This exclusive whitepaper, rich in business intelligence, represents a synthesis of your responses and our analysis. To that end, we've extracted critical insights as to what works and what doesn't in the MSP business.

In the Global MSP Benchmark Report, we introduce the concept of the Golden Quintile. In a world where only 20% of small businesses are successfully sold, it's critical that you know what a desirable acquisition looks like, in case you ever want to stop working.

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2018 Open Source Security and Risk Analysis

The Black Duck by Synopsys Open Source Security and Risk Analysis (OSSRA) report provides an in-depth look at the state of open source security, license compliance, and code-quality risk in commercial software. Each year, the Black Duck OnDemand audit services group conducts open source audits on thousands of applications for its customers—primarily in conjunction with merger and acquisition transactions. This year’s analysis was done by the Synopsys Center for Open Source Research & Innovation (COSRI) and examines findings from the anonymized data of over 1,100 commercial codebases audited in 2017. Industries represented in the report include the automotive, big data (predominantly artificial intelligence and business intelligence), cyber security, enterprise software, financial services, healthcare, Internet of Things (IoT), manufacturing, and mobile app markets.

The OSSRA report includes insights and recommendations intended to help organizations and security, risk, legal, development, and M&A teams better understand the open source security and license risk landscape as they strive to improve their application risk management processes.

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Delivering Governed Self-Service BI Across the Enterprise

The purpose of this document is to provide Pyramid Analytics customers with an actionable, high-level framework, guidance and tips to successfully deliver governed self-service BI across the enterprise. Although ad-hoc reporting tools have come a long way the past few years, most of the tools in the market today have significant governance gaps.

Self-service BI governance involves a partnership between business and IT leaders on how to best empower everyone to make data-driven decisions efficiently and responsibly. Analytics guides interactions, informs decisions, drives processes and ensures better outcomes. In balancing organization and individual needs, a collaborative initiative considers various user perspectives and reporting use cases. Since everyone must participate, governance requires an organizational reporting culture change.

In summary, effective self-service BI governance processes are essential to ensure users are viewing high-quality, relevant data for decision-making. They also help users understand standards for creating and sharing reports responsibly.

Pyramid Analytics provides organizations with an intuitive administrative framework to publish and share content. Administrators can configure role-based access using group security profiles and track lineage and versioning at the storyboard level to gain complete telemetry on how users are consuming content.

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Improve Self-Service Analytics Credibility with Data Quality

Data is at the heart of every organization.

In the journey to become more data-driven in decision making, we are seeing unprecedented democratization of data and adoption of self-service analytics. Rigid data collection and reporting processes of the past have given way to rapid gathering of raw, unstructured and crowdsourced data. As a result of that change, there are inevitable trade-offs with data quality.

Self-service visual analytics solutions often quickly expose data quality issues that you may not even realize exist. Unfortunately, inaccurate data undermines the powerful value of self-service analytics. If people don't trust your reports, they won’t use them. Since self-service analytics credibility, adoption and success hinges on accurate data, data quality should be given more attention as you implement these solutions.

Every organization today depends on data to understand its customers and employees, design new products, reach target markets, and plan for the future. Accurate, complete, and up-to-date information is essential if you want to optimize your decision making, avoid constantly playing catch-up and maintain your competitive advantage.

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The Enduring Value of Narrative Reporting

While they throw numerous cross-department teams at the problem or embark on yet another technology initiative, year after year organizations continuously labor through the reporting process, delivering bland, formulaic reports that provide little decision-making value.

Many business intelligence (BI) solutions in the marketplace today—the very tools designed to interrogate data and produce meaningful insights—are only making things worse.

Meanwhile, emergent self-service BI tools promise to empower end users and improve speed to insight. While they can produce attractive data visualizations in dashboard style reports, they haven’t made it any easier to produce the professional, narrative-style reports that many business leaders require.

In this paper, we explore these in greater detail, discuss why many BI solutions fall short, and explain how Pyramid Analytics excels in each of these key areas.

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9 Hyperion Myths That Are Making You Less Effective

The tools in Oracle's Hyperion suite of software products for enterprise performance management (EPM) and business intelligence (BI) are among the most powerful and effective applications available to corporate environments. However, it's also true that with the great power of Hyperion comes great responsibility -- which many organizations struggle with.

EPM systems like Hyperion are mission-critical, but they can be complicated and mercurial to manage. If you're a Hyperion administrator, manager or even a finance director, you're almost certainly well familiar with crashes, bugs, and performance issues, and you know that they can delay reporting and take hours or even days to fix.

This white paper has aimed to bust some of the biggest myths surrounding Oracle Hyperion performance management. When you have the right tools at your disposal, the idea that Hyperion performance management is difficult, time-consuming and expensive isn’t just incorrect, it’s holding your business back.

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Escape from the Cell: A Revolutionary Approach to Complex Spreadsheets

Since the advent of VisiCalc nearly 40 years ago, organizations have increasingly relied on spreadsheets for analysis, reporting, and other uses. As the need for decision speed and precision have escalated, however, business and analytic personnel alike have discovered that the lack of version control, large data sets, and cumbersome analytic tool integration now limit the usefulness of their spreadsheets. Many are looking for a way to supercharge their Excel capabilities. The question is how?

Read this fact sheet to learn how to evolve beyond what spreadsheets alone can achieve. FICO® Optimization Modeler is an advanced analytic platform that helps business experts solve their most challenging, mission-critical problems with powerful, fast and easy-to-use optimization tools. Its rich simulation, visualization and reporting capabilities immediately help transform business scenarios into compelling solutions, while allowing for easy import and export between third party analytic modeling tools and even your complex spreadsheets. Download now and learn more!

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Escape from the Cell: A Revolutionary Approach to Complex Spreadsheets

Since the advent of VisiCalc nearly 40 years ago, organizations have increasingly relied on spreadsheets for analysis, reporting, and other uses. As the need for decision speed and precision have escalated, however, business and analytic personnel alike have discovered that the lack of version control, large data sets, and cumbersome analytic tool integration now limit the usefulness of their spreadsheets. Many are looking for a way to supercharge their Excel capabilities. The question is how?

Read this fact sheet to learn how to evolve beyond what spreadsheets alone can achieve. FICO® Optimization Modeler is an advanced analytic platform that helps business experts solve their most challenging, mission-critical problems with powerful, fast and easy-to-use optimization tools. Its rich simulation, visualization and reporting capabilities immediately help transform business scenarios into compelling solutions, while allowing for easy import and export between third party analytic modeling tools and even your complex spreadsheets. Download now and learn more!

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FICO Opens Up the Complex World of Optimization to Business Analysts

At FICO, we’ve witnessed organizations across all industries increasingly realize the benefits of a bottoms-up approach to tackling their most complex challenges. By simply outlining broad objectives and then enabling their business analysts with the right tools and software, enterprises can see huge improvements in profitability, customer retention, and other key metrics.

FICO is on the frontlines of this evolution, especially when it comes to optimization. Not only do we provide cutting-edge, highly-scalable software and solutions, we’ve also developed a proven optimization methodology at the analyst level.

Please download this executive brief to learn more about how FICO can train and equip your business analysts to deliver optimal strategies and continuous improvement.

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Big Data Opens the Door for Prescriptive Analytics

Making customer-focused decisions that balance risk and profit just keeps getting harder. Even when you think you have the right criteria to make decisions, optimizing the outcomes can be even trickier.

So many factors impede your ability to make the smartest possible decisions: Oceans of big data that distort rather than clarify. Regulations that vary across regions. Customers who want an offer, fast, or else you’re going to lose them.

To be truly successful, organizations have to put advanced analytics into the hands of their lines of business, not just the data scientists and operations researchers who have traditionally owned this domain. At the same time, these tools need to be highly configurable in order to avoid overloading the IT department.

This white paper covers how the collision of economic, technological, and human factors mandates a new approach to decisions that will solve these challenges and leverage prescriptive analytics across the enterprise.

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