Enterprise Guide to DDoS Protection

Quite simply, DDoS attacks are now part of the advanced threat landscape, with attack types varying by size, vector and desired outcome. Many security products claim to provide DDoS protection, but how effective are they? This paper outlines the challenges of DDoS attacks and describes the features you need in a DDoS prevention solution to more effectively protect your network from these threats.
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Limelight Orchestrate™ Security Service

Limelight Networks understands the need to keep your content secure. The Limelight OrchestrateTM Security service is a cloud-based set of features within the Orchestrate suite of services. Whether it’s your videos, software downloads, storage, or website, the Orchestrate Security service can protect the content you’ve worked so hard to create. It is simple enough to turn up, and powerful enough to protect your content anywhere, across any device today…and tomorrow.
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DDoS Attack Interceptor

Your business is increasingly reliant on digital content and a 24x7 online presence. Any disruption can have serious consequences to your reputation, operations, and bottom line. Yet the pace, scale, and sophistication of attacks targeting online resources is constantly increasing—and requires multiple lines of defense. Limelight’s DDoS Attack Interceptor is a comprehensive, multi-layer solution that offers protection from even the largest and most complex Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks before they can wreak havoc on your business.
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Traceability Best Practices

As products get smarter, building them right becomes a matter of managing complexity. Products have more requirements and companies have globally distributed teams and more products in their portfolios. But when a single new product, version or variant has thousands of requirements and interdependencies, the process of defining, engineering and managing them grows exponentially more complicated. Traceability becomes more challenging.
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Top 10 Trends in Business Intelligence for 2015

Just as the business intelligence landscape has transformed to self-service data, so too must governance transform. Simple approaches like locking down all enterprise data won’t work any longer—nor will the approach of doing away with any process at all. Organizations will begin to investigate what governance means in a world of self-service analytics.
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2015 Cost of Data Breach Study: Impact of Business Continuity Management

This research report from the Ponemon Institute, sponsored by IBM, analyzes the impact a business continuity management program can have on the financial and reputational consequences of a data breach. Read the report to learn how involving your BCM team in the up-front  planning and remediation of a data breach can help reduce the incidence and costs to your enterprise.
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Resiliency Testing Best Practices

Every organization must put a plan in place for recoverability after an outage, but testing your enterprise resilience without full business and IT validation is ineffective. Read the white paper to learn how to put a plan in place for full functional validation, and get details on the importance of validating resiliency in a live environment; learn why small-scale recovery “simulations” are inadequate and misleading; understand why validating resilience demands involvement from IT and the business; and get details on the checks and balances you need to maintain and validate business resilience.
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The Seven Essential Practices for Effective Business Continuity Management

Making changes to your business strategy can often create new risks. If your business continuity management (BCM) plan is not part of an organization-wide, integrated program, it may not evolve to address these new risks. Understand which practices can be followed to successfully protect your organization’s business operations and reputation with a proactive, business-centric approach to BCM that highlights critical practices.
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Stream On: Case Study

StreamOn is one of Canada’s oldest and most established streaming companies. The company began in 2002 as the result of a need to develop a plug and play, seamless streaming solution for the OK Radio Group’s 10-radio stations. StreamOn currently serves a growing customer base of over 300 radio stations in North, Central and South America, along with the Caribbean, Africa, and the South Pacific.
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The Product Delivery Problem (Hint: It’s Not You)

For product managers and their counterparts, the road to launch is a fight to keep every task, every detail, every change grounded in business goals. It’s not enough to be fast. Or to deliver the right product. You need to do both. This requires:

• Balancing the needs of many stakeholders to define a set of requirements for what’s being built, why and how.

• Prioritizing and re-prioritizing “must-have” mandates from multiple voices—everyone from front-end users to engineers to sales to support.

• Ensuring that what gets built is what every one expects.

This white paper outlines surefire ways you can establish and maintain a strong connection between intended outcomes, development methodologies and customer value.

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A Modern Take on the Agile Manifesto

When the Agile Manifesto was published in 2001, our workplace looked very different from how it does today. Despite major changes in how we work, our interpretation of the Manifesto hasn’t changed in over a decade. So what does today’s Agile look like? Do the values of the Manifesto still apply? How can we evolve Agile concepts to tackle today's product-delivery challenges in a new way?

Download this eBook for an opportunity to rethink the Agile Manifesto. View Agile in a new light and deconstruct which concepts were home runs and which still need to evolve.

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Increase Product ROI With Better Decision Making

What if you could get the right product to market 18 percent faster? What would that mean to your bottom line? For the average 100-person team, 18 percent translates to $1.5 million a year, and puts about one to two hours back into the day of every person on the product team.

Business decisions = dollars. Get your money’s worth.

Download this whitepaper to learn how you can maximize return on your product delivery investment by getting the right products to market, faster and better than before.

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CIO Insights: Bringing Shadow IT into the Light

This paper examines the different challenges facing the IT community today and is based on discussions that took place across four roundtable events attended by Chief Information Officers and senior IT professionals from various vertical markets. The key issues analysed in this paper include the influence of cloud and mobile, current strategies that are being implemented, and how the modern day IT strategy must adapt to succeed.
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SAS® Data Loader for Hadoop

Organizations have finally recognized the importance of big data. They know it can be used for analytics and other advanced technologies, so they’ve harnessed and stored it in systems such as Hadoop.
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