Public Cloud Capacity with Enterprise Control

Now you can leverage the full agility, scalability, and cost efficiency of public clouds while ensuring long-term security and compliance throughout the enterprise. Avoid vendor lock-in and gain the flexibility you need.

Read this eBook and find out how to take advantage of the benefits of a public cloud while overcoming the challenges and risks it can involve.
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Ensuring Compliance in the Asia Pacific Region with SSL Certificates

For those doing business in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore. or in other parts of the Asia Pacific region, privacy is a significant concern. Businesses holding personal data have a responsibility to preserve the privacy and confidentiality of that data. The task is complex, especially in an era of sophisticated, global cyber-crime. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates can help protect data and meet the demands of privacy laws across the region.
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Getting Ahead of the Compliance Curve

Compliance is a fast-moving target, and it’s getting harder to keep up. In a survey by IT Policy Compliance Group, a consortium dedicated to helping IT security professionals meet policy and compliance goals, 70 percent of all respondents reported being subject to multiple regulatory compliance mandates, as well as contractual obligations and industry standards.
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Intelligent Compliance – Establishing Trust in the Datacenter

With the average cost of a data breach reaching $3.5 million, the pressure is intense to maintain the security and compliance of your data center. It only takes one breach and the cost to your organization can spiral out of control.

In this whitepaper, you will discover how your organization may be at risk and how you can protect your data center from costly and highly visible breaches. Through the Intelligent Compliance process, you will learn how you can:

• Automate the discovery process for your infrastructure

• Continuously assess risk and compliance

• Proactively prevent problems from recurring

• Cost-effectively automate remediation, including exceptions

Read the whitepaper today to take the stress out of security and compliance – and put the trust back into your data center.

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SIEM & Compliance: 10 Ways to Build a Better Big Data Security Strategy

The age of siloed data collection and databases is over. The explosion of data in the enterprise - coupled with the three-prong advance of cloud computing, social media, and mobile - is changing the rate and the amount of data organizations and their IT departments collect. With all this data comes increased security risks. Most IT departments are running data security plans that were designed for the age of in-house, on-premise databases. In short, those data security plans are now seriously out of date.

This IT Manager's Journal tackles the security and compliance challenges posed by Big Data in the age of social media, mobile and the cloud. Learn how to build a better Big Data security strategy that will better manage risk, ensure proper compliance, and secure your organization's sensitive data. Learn 10 ways you and your IT group can start to protect big data today.

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How to Keep Control Over External IT Service Providers

IT Managers often worry when external IT service providers require access to company systems. Internal IT Employees, however, can keep tabs on their system partners using the GoToAssist Corporate support tool. In this white paper you will learn "How IT Departments Can Retain Control over External IT Service Providers" IT experts from Citrix explain which solutions really work to ensure that external service providers diligently follow compliance specifications.
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Expect More from your SIEM

Unlike security cameras, going from installation to insight with a traditional SIEM is far from straightforward. During this session, we'll cover a few common problems with SIEM technologies, and how you can avoid them. You'll walk away with a new perspective on an old problem - reducing the cost of security visibility.
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Quick Dirty Dozen PCI Compliance Simplified

Maintaining, verifying, and demonstrating compliance with the PCI-DSS standard is far from a trivial exercise. Attend this webinar to find out how to achieve quick and dirty PCI compliance - without getting your hands dirty.
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Gartner 2012 SIEM Critical Capabilities

The report assesses 12 SIEM technologies by evaluating the capabilities that are critical for the support of threat management, compliance reporting and SIEM deployment use cases. Read the full report to learn why many SIEM vendors are releasing or developing SIEM capabilities - such as behavior profiling and anomaly detection, threat intelligence, and more effective analytics - to support the early detection of targeted attacks.
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Avoiding insider threats to enterprise security

IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager helps organizations to securely manage and track the activities of privileged users, thereby reducing the risk of breaches, improving compliance and ensuring accountability. The IBM white paper explains how IBM Security Privileged Identity Manager provides enhanced security across various IT environments by centralizing and controlling the use of privileged identities.
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