Download this whitepaper to know more!
EUC solutions are fundamental to workforce efficacy and security. However, there remains challenges in architecting solutions for EUC with rigor and discipline.
Join Nutanix and our EUC design expert, Brian Suhr, to learn how to overcome challenges like poor user experience, unpredictable availability and security, long cycles from pilot to production, and unexpected costs and complexities.
3-Key Takeaways.
Private cloud solutions, powered by the industry’s most advanced Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) technology, deliver applications, services, and data at any scale, with advanced automation and built-in self-service capabilities that bring true cloud-like simplicity to enterprise data centers.
Join this webinar where cloud architecture experts will explain how advanced HCI technology can help you combine storage, virtualization, virtual networking, and compute services into a private cloud solution. Technology advances go beyond simple HCI and legacy data center architectures to prepare your business for the hybrid cloud future—drastically improving utilization, reducing complexity, and providing a platform that can better co-exist with public cloud..
Find out:.
Nutanix, the undisputed leader in hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), has developed a unique software platform solution that simplifies the management of all your databases, optimizes workload performance, provides integrated security and availability across the entire database estate, while driving operational efficiency up (improving productivity) and driving costs of operations down.
The secret sauce is in the blending of our innovative HCI software platform that not only virtualizes but also consolidates your database into a single, easy to manage plane. Then add our automated database services, with one click operations that enable databases to be provisioned in minutes, patches to be completed during your lunch hour (not your weekend!), and copy/paste cloning capabilities that use zero bytes - yes, zero bytes, saving you plenty in storage costs.
Join us to find out more.
In this webinar event you'll discover
This SD-WAN webinar provides insight into one of the hottest topics that is transforming and revolutionizing the enterprise network industry today. These insights will help you understand how organizations are implementing SD-WAN and how they are taking advantage of this technology. An overview of the insights provided:
These insights will help you take into consideration all the key elements when implementing this solution into your business.
Watch now to learn more.
As networking professionals struggle to keep up with the proliferation of users, data, and application types, software defined networking can offer improved visibility, flexibility and control. A recent survey shows 34% of enterprise customers have deployed this new technology, and 46% plan to deploy it in the next two years.
Download the whitepaper to learn more!
Forrester has repeatedly stressed the importance of the network in addressing the demands of digital business. Cloud, virtualization, and mobile devices can wreak havoc on network and operations if infrastructure and networking professionals struggle to keep up with the changes needed to move users, data, and applications fluidly across the entire business and its supporting parts, such as cloud services.
Download the whitepaper to learn more!
Choosing the right SD-WAN partner is critical for success. Corporate enterprises should plan to compare two to three partners in terms of reach, managed service offerings, timeline and price.
Until recently, corporate networking has been a fairly stable component of enterprise IT. Its return to prominence goes hand-in-hand with changes in computing-infrastructure delivery.
Forrester Consulting provides independent and objective research-based consulting to help leaders succeed in their organizations. Ranging in scope from a short strategy session to custom projects, Forrester’s Consulting services connect you directly with research analysts who apply expert insight to your specific business challenges. For more information, visit forrester.com/consulting.
An SD-WAN solution often takes the form of a small virtualized hardware box, which runs its software on generic silicone chips rather than the proprietary hardware traditionally used for routing.
Implementing SD-WAN solutions opens up many more options for bringing value to your business. Download this whitepaper to learn more...!
While SD-WAN has yet to reach mass adoption, enterprises are eyeing it in 2019 for the many ways in which it addresses key business and technology requirements. This section features the trends AOTMP Research & Advisory identified through conversations with enterprises, vendors and by tracking the industry in general.
Big Telco’s jargon and marketing fluff is out of control. As innovative networking approaches like SD-WAN are becoming more widely adopted, people running today’s larger WANs are looking for clear and actionable information. Unfortunately, that information is coming from Big Telco.
In this guide, we decided to examine some of the more common Big Telco messages on SD-WAN. We found real (yes, real) quotes from Big Telco, and we’ve translated and explained them for those of you that don’t naturally speak this language (which is practically everyone). Enjoy.
Any complex IT implementation comes with its difficulties. The same is true with SD-WAN, but you can be prepared. Before you start, stop to consider if you’re making any of these common mistakes.