Simple is STILL Better: Embrace Speed & Simplicity for a competitive edge

Customers’ embrace of the web and smart phones creates massive new data sets, many of them unstructured or semi-structured. These include opinions, preferences, chat and email transcripts, and web clickstreams. The hardware and software technologies underpinning first generation warehouses were not designed to manage data at today’s volume or variety. While coercing older technologies to satisfy new demands may be possible, the results are inefficient and burdened with unplanned, unnecessary costs.

PureData System for Analytics has been designed, integrated and optimized to deliver data services to today's demanding applications with simplicity, speed and lower cost.

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DBTA: Why Cloud is the future of data warehousing

Enterprise data warehouses remain as relevant as ever in today’s business environment. However, the traditional data warehouse is not up to the task with a flood of new data pouring in at an increasingly rapid pace. To maintain their competitive advantage, organizations must take action now to modernize the traditional data warehouse.

The key to modernizing is flexibility, as business requirements are changing at a faster pace than technologies. Historically, building a data warehouse has been a painstaking endeavor. Not anymore. Register to read on.

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A CIO’s Guide to DevOps

You've heard about DevOps and digital transformation. What do they have to do with you, the CIO? How can you make sure your organization is not just current, but staying truly competitive?

Puppet takes on these questions in their guide to DevOps for CIOs, covering:

  • What DevOps actually means, and how it makes a difference.
  • Why DevOps matters to digital transformation in today's business climate and beyond.
  • How DevOps principles and practices can build your organizational muscle to deal with today's changes — and those to come.

The guide is based on survey findings and research gathered over five years from more than 25,000 IT professionals around the world. There's no bigger study of successful IT organizations and what they're doing right. Learn from the experience of others, and keep your organization out ahead of your competitors.

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DevOps and You: Advice for Building Your Career

Want to land a new job with a title like DevOps engineer or site reliability engineer? Or start adopting DevOps practices at your current job? Or move to an organization that has more mature DevOps practices? If so, this ebook is for you.

Puppet talked to dozens of engineers, managers and recruiters whose jobs (or the jobs they're hiring for) emphasize DevOps practices to see what insights they have to share. Throughout this ebook you'll find stories of how people got started in DevOps, details on the skills that will help you, and advice on how to be successful — or even land your next job.

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Closing the Skills Gap

35% of the open positions in cybersecurity can’t be filled today because there are not enough skilled candidates. There are too many threats, hiding amid too much data, leading to overworked analysts unable to focus on what matters most. Automated analytics can empower your existing security analysts to work more effectively on more complex tasks -- essentially closing the skills gap. Find out how.
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Embracing New Software Agility to Drive Customer Satisfaction, Deliver New Services

Today’s dynamic business climate is increasingly application-powered, and as a result the need for code to address change is accelerating. Even businesses that have already adopted agile development and deployment processes and DevOps strategies are struggling with many challenges including:

  • Requirement for significant IT involvement to deliver functionality
  • The increasing challenge of “multi-speed” IT and connecting front-end and back-end systems, exacerbated by application and data siloes
  • Application development, testing and QA backlogs due to increasing user demands driven by consumerization of IT

to name just a few. Attend this TechBytes video series sponsored by IBM to learn how organizations of all types and sizes are now addressing these myriad challenges by adopting new development and execution platforms that accelerate the entire application lifecycle while creating substantial savings. These bite-sized webinars will cover the latest market conditions in the application development arena, with a particular focus on mobile; dive into the greatest challenges facing development and deployment teams today, and present strategies and tactics that can reduce workload, deliver more, faster, while getting more out of your IT dollar.

About the Presenter:

Soloman Barghouthi is IBM's Application Platform and Cloud Specialist and a Senior Technical Staff Member. Over the years he has held several development, architecture, and leadership positions in the WebSphere Application Server product. Soloman holds many patents and has published numerous papers and videos covering a wide range of technology topics. From his involvement over many years in the development of enterprise software, he has a deep understanding of all aspects of producing software from inception to market.

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IDC Lab Validation Brief: EMC Isilon Scale- Out Data Lake Foundation- Essential Capabilities for Building Big Data Infrastructure

IDC validated three key aspects of the Isilon Data Lake Foundation: performance, availability and security/compliance and offered this essential guidance for buyers:

  • HDFS Performance in Data Lake and NFS Performance during multi-protocol ingest
  • Data Availability
  • Secure Multi-tenancy

Download the white paper now to learn more about how to leverage EMC Isilon as your foundation for Hadoop analytics with Pivotal and Cloudera.

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Scale-Out Data Lake Solution Built On Dell EMC Isilon

Organizations are faced with the challenge of handling large quantities of unstructured data that is growing rapidly, is needed by more employees for business operations, and must meet stringent security and compliance mandates. This level of enterprise data growth is best addressed by consolidating storage into one single central repository of persistent data—a data lake—that simplifies the IT architecture, is efficient, and scales as business needs change.
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Top Reasons to Adopt Scale-Out Data Lake Storage

A modernized data warehouse, a Data Lake is scale-out storage for data consolidation. It allows for Big Data accessibility using traditional and next-generation access methods to gain value through analytics.

  • Meet the demands of your storage growth with massive capacity
  • Expand to a public or private cloud
  • Deploy seamless replication of the data to the core
  • Derive business value through analytics
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3 Challenges of Moving to a Cloud-Based Infrastructure

Moving applications and services to the cloud means you’ll be offloading some daily tasks and maintenance, and ideally saving time, space and money. But remember that those SaaS or hybrid cloud apps still belong to your organization and are still part of IT. When there’s downtime or slowdowns, users will still be coming to IT’s door to get help.

Don't get caught unprepared! Download this guide to learn about 3 major challenges you'll face as you move to a cloud-based infrastructure.

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How to Solve the Top IT Issues at Remote Locations

IT teams can run into many challenges when supporting remote office users, especially that they’re not physically able to see the problem and might not have a colleague on site to help.

This whitepaper identifies five top issues to watch for when you're in charge of offices, users and technology that you can't actually see. You'll learn how to solve challenges with remote locations like:

  • Integration issues, especially with shadow IT
  • Lack of visibility into the WAN
  • Service delays due to gaps in tech staff resources

Download the whitepaper and start improving remote location end user experience today.

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DCIG Integrated Backup Appliance Buyer’s Guide 2016-17

Compliments of Unitrends. This Buyer’s Guide highlights the most robust and feature rich integrated backup appliances available on the market today. These backup appliances have many if not all of the features needed to protect both physical and virtual environments and will give you visibility into the new set of features that will define the next generation of integrated backup appliances.
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Enterprise WAN and LAN Monitoring

Technology trends like telecommuting, BYOD, VoIP and SaaS adoption bring new challenges to the underlying network infrastructure that connects branch offices and datacenters. This guide explains how to tackle the challenges faced by the internet-centric enterprise by intelligently monitoring your WAN, LAN, Wi-Fi and SaaS applications through a combination of Enterprise and Endpoint Agents.
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