Blade Server Strategies: Optimizing the Data Center

Enterprise IT departments are being pulled in many directions today. Not only are they struggling to keep up with the staggering increase of network traffic in the data center, but also users are demanding new and updated systems to support the workloads that drive the business. Expectations of quality and service from IT are at an all-time high. Change is needed in the data center. Server blades play an important role in the transition to the modern, efficient data center.
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Building a Business Case for HP Blades Servers

Savvy IT professionals are finding that blade servers are less expensive than traditional rack servers for most new deployments, while also delivering improvements in agility, scalability and manageability. If your organization is deploying a new server farm or cluster for any reason - a newly virtualized application or a growing business initiative, perhaps - this is the time to consider blade servers as a cost-effective alternative to traditional rack servers. In most cases, you will find blade servers to be less expensive than rack servers for both the initial purchase as well as for long-term total cost of ownership (TCO).
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IDC Analyst Connection: Using Blade Systems to Cut Costs and Sharpen Efficiencies

After more than a decade of increases in the size of IT environments due to the proliferation of systems, devices, storage, and management tools, IT complexity has reached an all-time high. Today, day-to-day business operations are integrated with IT and datacenters. IT is seen as a way to gain a competitive advantage in the market versus simply supporting business functions. IT applications and services are an increasingly common way companies interact with clients and employees, as well as a new way to research markets and develop new products. The integrated nature of the blade platform delivers critically needed efficiencies in system management, monitoring, and provisioning.
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Top 10 Reasons to Move to HP Blade Servers

Enterprise and midsize businesses are increasingly turning to blade servers as the platform of choice to deliver the next generation of virtualized applications. Blade servers can yield significant cost efficiencies over rack servers - while taking up a smaller footprint, consuming less power and providing significant advantages in terms of manageability, scalability and flexibility. The biggest question for most IT leaders is no longer whether to virtualize, but where to take virtualization next. Why should you consider blades for your next wave of virtualization initiatives? Read here for the 10 top reasons.
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Mobile Is The New Face Of Engagement

Mobile is not simply another device for IT to support with a shrunken website. Rather, mobile is the manifestation of a much broader shift to new systems of engagement. These systems of engagement help firms empower their customers, partners, and employees with context-aware apps and smart products. Thsi paper discusses what orgaizations need to do in order to remain vital in this business technology reformation.
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Looking Beyond Mobile Device Management to Mobile Application and Enterprise Mobility Management

The increasing possibilities that come from deploying mobile solutions in the workplace are now counter balanced by an exponentially complex ecosystem of options that can make navigating the corporate mobile landscape challenging - and risky. While organizations are rightly deploying mobile device management solutions as a means to secure their mobile devices, there is much more to be done. This executive insight examines the needs for organizations to deploy a holistic enterprise mobility management solution that goes well beyond mobile device management.
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Managing Big Data – A Key To BI Success

Explore how organizations of every size are recording more data than ever, but still letting Terabytes, Petabytes, Exabytes fly by unanalyzed. Managing these gigantic flows, probing massive respositories and speedily extracting actionable business intelligence is a major opportunity for enterprises.
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Business Intelligence: A Guide For Midsize Companies

You've heard the term "business intelligence" and know that large companies are using it to obtain a competitive advantage. But right now, your company's primary analysis tool is a spreadsheet. Isn't it time your analysis capabilities graduated from spreadsheets to more powerful tools as well? This paper from SAP offers guidance on how business intelligence can give your company a competitive edge.
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Improving Performance by Making the Future More Visible

In this report, Ventana Research identifies attitudes toward and utilization of predictive analytics. The research was designed to investigate practices and needs of individuals and organizations and the potential benefits from improving their existing processes, information, and systems.
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Reaping the Benefits of Next Generation Dashboards

The need for timely and succinct business intelligence (BI) continues to grow as executives demand critical information to seize opportunities faster than competitors and to address potential problems in the making. This white paper explores how organizations are looking to the next generation of BI dashboards solve these challenges.
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Big Data is Talking. Are You Listening?

This interactive white paper from CIO Magazine and EMC lays out the benefits of big data and predictive analytics, provides tips on how to get started, and shares the remarkable results that businesses have achieved by marrying these two powerhouses. Embedded videos feature Gerry McCartney, CIO of Purdue University and Jeremy Burton, Chief Marketing Officer of EMC with Bill Cook, President of EMC's Greenplum Division. And a quick survey provides benchmarking between CIO peers.
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