5 Ways to Get Your GUI to Market Quickly

The graphical user interface (GUI) is the face of your product. It's where your customers meet your device—so it's imperative that you make a great impression.

In the midst of all the pressures of user experience design and product development, how can you still put the best "face" on your product on time and at the best possible cost and performance?

Designers often have exciting ideas for a GUI that is attractive, convenient and adds measurable value to your product. Converting those concepts to a finished look, without compromising the initial vision, takes knowledge and the right tools.

Here are five tips that will ensure your GUI is the tremendous success your team wants.

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Plus & Minus Pricing

Our unique 1 file/format design allows us to offer our fully-featured accounting/ERP software at a much lower price than those of more expensive, complex, and program-intensive accounting software solutions. With Plus & Minus, you get a complete system that includes all the functionality necessary for running your business without any modules, expensive add-ons, and charges for email, EFTs, and document imaging.

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How Great Customer Learning Programs Create Value

We’ve interviewed countless leaders in the customer learning space to deliver a comprehensive guide to moving the needle on your program.

We share our most recent research on:

  • The roadmap for how superior customer learning programs grow.
  • The common stages – and barriers – of program development.
  • How to build a plan and get executive buy-in for your customer training initiatives.

Fill out the form to download your copy.

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Cracking the Hackers – How to Build a 100% Engaged Human Firewall

Every day over 2,200 cyber-attacks hit organizations around the world. The human firewall is under threat. Phishing scams, malware and other tactics exploit remote workers’ weaknesses.

Doubling down and ensuring 100% effectiveness of your human firewall has never been more important.

This exclusive free guide contains everything you need for a successful cyber security campaign:

  1. The cyber-threat today – what does it mean for you?
  2. A block and tackle strategy – combining protection with proaction.
  3. Employee communication – tactics from training to breaches.
  4. Building an InfoSec campaign – how to get your messages read and acted on.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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How to Maximize Your Hiring Process to Attract Top Talent

The hiring process, or recruitment process, you implement can have a great impact on the future success of your small business.

Your employees are a valuable asset to your company so you need the right people on board to influence your business’s performance and prosperity. This is why it’s essential to have an efficient and effective hiring process in place.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of maximizing your hiring process and how to do so using Zenkit.

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The Importance & Benefits of Project Management Software

When working from a home office, the ability to connect & collaborate with teams remotely is critical. All project functions must be performed effectively & efficiently away from the office & other team members. Frustration levels can rise when basic project functions such as tracking deliverables, managing resources, time, & budgets, & facilitating inter-team communications are not carried out. This invariably leads to decreased productivity & increased attrition amongst the team.

One of the most effective tools for making the transition to an online space more manageable is project management software. This type of SaaS product not only helps project managers manage & track their teams but also ensures that the entire team is on the same page throughout the project’s life cycle.

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The Importance of Knowledge Bases for Businesses

Sir Francis Bacon gave credence to the phrase “knowledge itself is power” in his 1597 work, ‘Meditationes Sacrae.’ These four words are still used today to express the belief that knowledge is the foundation of every successful enterprise. How one obtains it &, more importantly, how one shares it will serve as the basis for both one’s reputation & growth.

We at Zenkit believe that knowledge is power as well. As a result, we have carefully designed our solutions to revolve around the ability to easily capture & share knowledge with others. In fact, our own ‘Hypernotes’ is a tool designed specifically for this purpose. Hypernotes is a fantastic way to get creative with how you create, share, & understand knowledge with others, thanks to its enhanced knowledge management features.

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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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