Modernizing with All-Flash

All enterprise applications can now benefit from the performance and latency advantages offered by All-Flash. Higher SSD densities, lower costs, and improved data reduction technologies have made it possible for All-Flash to cost-effectively support general workloads. Explore the changing economics of All-Flash in this executive summary.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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How Broad All-Flash Vendor Portfolios Help IT Customers

In the current 3rd Platform computing era, enterprises of all sizes are being asked to continue to support legacy applications while providing support for next-generation applications (NGAs) in mobile computing, social media, big data/analytics, and cloud environments. At the same time, most information technology (IT) organizations are consolidating around virtual infrastructure for both legacy and new applications. This has significantly changed the I/O profiles that storage infrastructure has to deal with, and it has become clear that for most primary storage workloads, and even now for some secondary workloads, hard disk drives (HDDs) no longer adequately meet requirements. As a result, we are seeing overall enterprise storage revenue shift away from HDD-based designs toward newer flash-based designs.

Download this IDC-authored white paper from Dell EMC and Intel® to learn more.

Intel Inside®. New Possibilities Outside.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Building the Business Case for Next-Generation HR Systems

With the pace of human resources technology solution development progressing quickly, HR leaders need to gain a solid understanding of the HR system options available. This tool is designed to help HR leaders build a business case for investing in next-generation HR systems to meet the growing HR demands of your organization. Demands include interfacing or integrating data, incorporating social and mobile technologies, and providing an employee experience that grows from the experience given to candidates.

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eBook: Best Practices in Human Capital Management

An engaged workforce is satisfied and productive. To make this a reality for your organization, you need a human capital strategy that can help you think strategically about managing, engaging, and retaining your entire workforce.

However, in many cases, the systems that manage human capital alienate rather than engage both employees and managers - making it challenging, for example, to easily access schedules or paystubs without having to call HR or do self-service assessments of career path options.

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The Employee Burnout Crisis

The results of a 2016 study on employee burnout conducted by Kronos and Future Workplace show that 95 percent of HR leaders agree that burnout affects employee retention. Although serious, the issue of burnout isn’t insurmountable if organizations are proactive in addressing its causes. The implementation of new workforce technology with flexible scheduling capabilities and workforce analytics can help stop burnout before it starts.

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Payroll: Your Employee Engagement Secret Weapon

The use of manual, outdated payroll processes can result in paycheck problems that weaken employee engagement and potentially cause them to quit. Smooth payroll operations support employee engagement initiatives and allow payroll staff to focus on higher-level business goals.

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The 2017 Guide to WAN Architecture & Design

The primary objective of a WAN is to enable business operations in a frictionless, cost-effective manner. This includes supporting the existing business models as well adopting new application architectures. Download our whitepaper to learn more about optimal WAN architecture and design.
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Has Your Business Switched to VoIP Yet?

The telephone has come a long way since the days of switchboard operators. In many cases, however, businesses are still using plain old telephone systems (POTS) without knowing that there is a better form of telecommunication that is being adopted at an increasing rate across businesses. That technology is VoIP.

In this Sourceforge white paper, you will learn:

  • What's in Your Phone System?
  • What is VoIP?
  • How Does VoIP Save a Business an Average of 30% or More?
  • How to Switch to VoIP

So if you are considering upgrading your phone system – or are motivated by saving money and adding enterprise level services to your business – let Sourceforge compare the top VoIP providers for you! Simply select that you want to receive a quote on the following page and one of our VoIP Specialists will get in contact with you to jot down a few details in order to provide you with the best, no-obligation quote from a provider.

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