Sponsor: Hewlett Packard – CA

Estudo do Custo de Crimes Cibernéticos de 2015: Brasil

Descubra como soluções de segurança empresarial te ajudar a administrar os principais sistemas e atividades do processo de negócios que geram uma série de despesas associadas à resposta da empresa a crimes cibernéticos.

A estrutura de custos dos crimes cibernéticos inclui:

  • Os custos relacionados ao combate do crime cibernético (centros de atividades de custos internos): detecção, investigação e encaminhamento, contenção, recuperação e resposta ex post.
  • Os custos relacionados às consequências do ataque cibernético (consequências e custos externos): perda ou roubo de informações, interrupções dos negócios, danos a equipamentos e perda de receita.
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Wenige Unternehmen umfassend gegen Softwaresicherheitsrisiken abgesichert

Über Sicherheitslücken in Softwareanwendungen durchbrechen Hacker Abwehrsysteme von Organisationen und stehlen Informationen. Weniger als die Hälfte der IT-Organisationen vertraut auf die Sicherheit der Software zur Leitung ihres Geschäfts. Nur 11 Prozent von ihnen kann mit Sicherheit die gefährdeten Anwendungen nennen. Das sind die Ergebnissen einer Gatepoint-Umfrage zu Software für Anwendungssicherheit (SSA), die in diesem Whitepaper beleuchtet werden.

Im Whitepaper erfahren Sie Folgendes:

  • Wie viele Befragte haben vollständige SSA-Programme?
  • Wie funktioniert SSA (Software Security Assurance)
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Besserer Schutz vor Sicherheitsverletzungen – IDG Research

Experten für Cybersicherheit warnen immer lauter, dass Perimeter Defenses wie Firewalls nicht mehr ausreichen, um Cyberangriffe abzuwehren. Laut dieser IDG-Studie haben daher 70 Prozent der Unternehmen SIEM-Systeme (Security Information and Event Management) eingeführt, um Protokolldaten zu erfassen und zu analysieren.

Aber: Die meisten Unternehmen richten ihre Aufmerksamkeit weiterhin auf Compliance und weniger auf die Sicherheit, und nur 20 Prozent verwenden SIEM auf fortgeschrittene oder angepasste Art und Weise. In der Studie erfahren Sie Folgendes:

  • warum kaum die Hälfte der Befragten Vertrauen in ihre Verteidigungsmöglichkeiten hat
  • was sich Unternehmen von SIEM-Lösungen versprechen
  • dass Unternehmen laut Ponemon Institute 5,3 Millionen USD an Verlusten durch Cyberkriminalität jedes Jahr vermeiden könnten
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2015 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: Deutschland

Erfahren Sie, welche Auswirkungen Cyber-Angriffe auf die Ausgaben zur Unternehmenssicherheit haben und wie sich Ihr Unternehmen entsprechend auf damit verbundene Probleme vorbereiten kann.

Zu den fünf internen Kostenstellen gehören:

  • Erkennung: Befähigung eines Unternehmens zur angemessenen Erkennung von Cyber-Angriffen.
  • Untersuchung und Eskalation: Erforderliche Maßnahmen zum Aufdecken der Quelle, des Bereichs und der Größenordnung von Störfällen.
  • Eindämmung: Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Schweregrads von Cyber-Angriffen.
  • Wiederherstellung: Wiederherstellung und Korrektur bei Aktivitäten von Geschäftsprozessen.
  • Nachbereitungsmaßnahme: Maßnahmen zur Verringerung des Risikos potenzieller, zukünftiger Angriffe.
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Siber Suç Çalışmaları Maliyeti 2015: Küresel

En dikkat çekici kurum güvenliği ve istihbarat çalışması sonuçlarını keşfedin ve kuruluşunuzu korumak için ne yapabileceğinizi öğrenin.

Katılımcı şirketler arasında siber suç maliyetleri toplamında önemli farklılıklar vardır. En yüksek ortalama toplam maliyet, 15 milyon dolar olarak Amerika örneğinde ve en düşük ortalama toplam maliyeti 2,4 milyon dolar olarak Rusya örneğinde görülmüştür. Ayrıca geçtiğimiz yıl boyunca Almanya, Japonya, Avustralya ve Rusya'nın siber suç masraflarının maliyetinde hafif bir düşüş yaşadığını belirtmek ilginçtir. 2015 mali yılı ve 2014 mali yılı arasındaki net değişim yüzdesi 1,9'dur.

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Yazılım güvenliği riskleri için tam olarak hazırlanmıştır

Bilgisayar korsanları organizasyonlara nüfuz eder ve yazılım uygulamalarındaki açıklıklar yoluyla bilgileri çalar. Buna rağmen IT organizasyonlarının yarısından azı işletmelerinde çalışan yazılımın güvenliğine ilişkin güvene sahiptir. Ve sadece yüzde 11'i hangi uygulamaların risk altında olduğunu güven içinde bildiklerini söylemektedir. Bunlar, bu beyaz kağıt tarafından vurgulanan yazılım güvenliği güvencesine (SSA) ilişkin Gatepoint'in bulguları arasındadır.

Aşağıdakileri öğrenmek için kağıdı okuyun:

  • Tam ölçekli SSA programlarını kullanan kaç yanıt veren vardır
  • SSA nasıl çalışır
  • SSA ıslah süresini ne kadar azaltmıştır
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Business of Hacking Report

Discover how the most up to date enterprise security intelligence can help you determine which advanced technologies will be most effective at disrupting the adversaries targeting your unique business.

This paper shows you the business of hacking: the different ways people make money by hacking, the motivations, the organization. It breaks down the businesses profitability, risk levels and provides an overall SWOT analysis.

Learn about ways and opportunities that can help you establish a competitive approach for disrupting the business of hacking and protect the future of your enterprise.

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UBM Research – Most Effective Security Technologies & Practices

Discover how understanding the business of hacking and how cybercriminals profit can help you develop a successful security strategy.

This report shows you:
- The economics behind cybercrime and why it’s so lucrative, even for petty criminals.
- Review of the security controls organizations believe make their networks and data more secure.
- Which technologies and practices that organizations should be concentrating on to make them a less attractive target.
- How basic security can be very effective when it’s done consistently well.
- How organizations can disrupt the economics of cybercrime.
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Forrester report: 2016 Cloud Predictions

The next stage of IT will focus on expanding cloud use cases and infrastructure and operations (I&O) professionals’ attitudes around automation and relinquishing some control. Read this Forrester brief to learn the 11 key developments coming to the world of cloud in 2016 and specific recommendations for I&O leaders.
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451 Research: Accelerating the Adoption of Multi-Cloud Strategy

The adoption of public, private and hybrid cloud is rapidly expanding, especially within enterprises. As IT evolves from productivity enhancer to transformative business differentiator, and as organizations embrace new models of IT consumption, the role of enterprise IT departments is changing. Forward-looking IT groups are becoming internal service brokers to their organizations and they are adopting a multi-cloud approach to enable an IT-as-a-service model.
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Few Fully Prepared for Software Security Risks

Hackers penetrate organizations and steal information through vulnerabilities in software applications. Yet less than half of IT organizations have confidence in the security of the software that runs their businesses. And just 11 percent say they know with confidence which applications are at risk. Those are among the findings of a Gatepoint survey on software security assurance (SSA) highlighted by this white paper.

Read the paper to learn:

• How many respondents have full-scale SSA programs in place
• How SSA works
• How much SSA has reduced remediation time

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