How to Connect Network Devices in the Internet of Things

Connected devices are the heart of the Internet of Things (IoT). Without those devices or the connectivity that brings them to life, the IoT simply wouldn’t exist. Gartner Research estimates that there are currently 6.4 billion connected devices in use and projects that the number will balloon to 20.8 billion by 2020.

In a guide from O’Reilly Media, you’ll understand the requirements needed to connect networked devices – from prototyping to scaling IoT for the enterprise. Download the guide and you’ll learn:

  • The unique security challenge for connected devices in the IoT
  • The difference between local devices, devices on the edge of the IoT, and devices in the cloud
  • How to prototype and what is needed to plan for scale
  • What to consider when designing the prototype
  • How to address the key life-cycle activities of a connected device

Get your copy of “Connecting Networked Devices: Prototyping and Scaling IoT in the Enterprise”.

PTC has the most robust Internet of Things technology in the world. In 1986 we revolutionized digital 3D design, and in 1998 were first to market with Internet-based PLM. Now our leading IoT and AR platform and field-proven solutions bring together the physical and digital worlds to reinvent the way you create, operate, and service products.

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Scaling Data Science for the Industrial Internet of Things

By 2020, businesses involved with the Internet of Things (IoT) are expected to spend roughly one-quarter of their entire IoT cost on technologies and services that store, integrate, visualize, and analyze data. That’s nearly twice what companies spend today.

This ebook discusses the current state of IoT analytics and how to use modern techniques to automate data science to achieve advanced real-time analytics. In this ebook you’ll;

  • Understand the demands of IoT analytics,
  • Explore the characteristics of predictive analytics,
  • Examine the tools for IoT analytics used by companies at various levels of data analytics

Get your copy of the O'Reilly Media report, Scaling Data Science for the Industrial IoT.

PTC has the most robust Internet of Things technology in the world. In 1986 we revolutionized digital 3D design, and in 1998 were first to market with Internet-based PLM. Now our leading IoT and AR platform and field-proven solutions bring together the physical and digital worlds to reinvent the way you create, operate, and service products.

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How to Secure Devices in the Internet of Things

Internet of Things security brings its own unique challenges. With the variety of connected applications and devices in operation now in the hundreds of thousands, it’s critical to ensure your IoT-related security standards are up to the task.

In this white paper, Rob Black, CISSP Senior Director of Product Management at PTC explores IoT security best practices including:

  • Data and network encryption
  • Audit trails
  • Granular permissions and visibility
  • Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Download this white paper and learn how an IoT platform can help keep your IoT security best in class.

PTC has the most robust Internet of Things technology in the world. In 1986 we revolutionized digital 3D design, and in 1998 were first to market with Internet-based PLM. Now our leading IoT and AR platform and field-proven solutions bring together the physical and digital worlds to reinvent the way you create, operate, and service products.

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The 9 Signs That Your Endpoint Security Isn’t Working Well

Is your endpoint security solution providing all the protection you need? Download this tech brief from ESET and see what nine warning signs you should look out for.

For 30 years, ESET® has been developing industry-leading IT security software and services for businesses and consumers worldwide. With solutions ranging from endpoint and mobile security, to encryption and two-factor authentication, ESET's high-performing, easy-to-use products give consumers and businesses the peace of mind to enjoy the full potential of their technology. ESET unobtrusively protects and monitors 24/7, updating defenses in real-time to keep users safe and businesses running without interruption. Evolving threats require an evolving IT security company. Backed by R&D centers worldwide, ESET becomes the first IT security company to earn 100 Virus Bulletiin VB100 awards., identifying every single "in-the-wild" malware without interruption since 2003. For more information visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

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Trends 2017: Security held ransom

For several years, the research team at ESET has been issuing its Trends report, which provides a review of the latest and most significant developments in information security, and presents the key topics of relevance for businesses and users for the upcoming year. Download this white paper from ESET to learn about what's on the horizon as far as security goes, to ensure that you will be better prepared to tackle the associated challenges ahead.

For 30 years, ESET® has been developing industry-leading IT security software and services for businesses and consumers worldwide. With solutions ranging from endpoint and mobile security, to encryption and two-factor authentication, ESET's high-performing, easy-to-use products give consumers and businesses the peace of mind to enjoy the full potential of their technology. ESET unobtrusively protects and monitors 24/7, updating defenses in real-time to keep users safe and businesses running without interruption. Evolving threats require an evolving IT security company. Backed by R&D centers worldwide, ESET becomes the first IT security company to earn 100 Virus Bulletiin VB100 awards., identifying every single "in-the-wild" malware without interruption since 2003. For more information visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

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The 3 Causes of Data Breaches — and How to Prevent Them

Security breaches have become a weekly occurrence in the news cycle, which has caused businesses to start asking questions. How are they happening? Is my business at risk? The short answer is yes, your business is at risk. Download a tech brief from ESET on how data breaches occur, why they're on the rise, and what steps to take now to protect your business.

For 30 years, ESET® has been developing industry-leading IT security software and services for businesses and consumers worldwide. With solutions ranging from endpoint and mobile security, to encryption and two-factor authentication, ESET's high-performing, easy-to-use products give consumers and businesses the peace of mind to enjoy the full potential of their technology. ESET unobtrusively protects and monitors 24/7, updating defenses in real-time to keep users safe and businesses running without interruption. Evolving threats require an evolving IT security company. Backed by R&D centers worldwide, ESET becomes the first IT security company to earn 100 Virus Bulletiin VB100 awards., identifying every single "in-the-wild" malware without interruption since 2003. For more information visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

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Quantifying ROI: The Business Case for IoT

Organizations today are under tremendous pressure to deliver a higher quality of products and services at lower costs, and to do so using existing resources. Any expenditure companies do make to help them achieve this goal is expected to deliver a measurable, hard-dollar ROI – and to deliver it quickly.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is creating new opportunities for companies to enhance their products, gain business insights and differentiate their offerings. This whitepaper defines an ROI model for building a business case and tracking results related to IoT initiatives.

Company Overview

PTC has the most robust Internet of Things technology in the world. In 1986 we revolutionized digital 3D design, and in 1998 were first to market with Internet-based PLM. Now our leading IoT and AR platform and field-proven solutions bring together the physical and digital worlds to reinvent the way you create, operate, and service products.

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Mastering the Six Levels of IoT Success

The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing how businesses make profits from products. Hundreds of success stories show how organizations with mature IoT capabilities are generating new, recurring revenue streams through efficient connected-product development and delivery.

But getting there is a process of change, both technically and tactically. To help organizations understand the requirements of change, we have developed a connected-product maturity model. It’s based on best practices gleaned from hundreds of engagements over more than 10 years with product manufacturers from nearly every industry.

Company Overview

PTC has the most robust Internet of Things technology in the world. In 1986 we revolutionized digital 3D design, and in 1998 were first to market with Internet-based PLM. Now our leading IoT and AR platform and field-proven solutions bring together the physical and digital worlds to reinvent the way you create, operate, and service products.

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Coloque os projetos de Big Data em produção na velocidade do negócio

As empresas dependem da TI para oferecer os serviços digitais que impulsionam o crescimento e a inovação. Os CIOs também se deparam com a constante demanda dos executivos de negócios executivos para alavancar novas tendências em busca de vantagens competitivas. Em ambos os casos, o desafio é que o departamento de TI adote novas tecnologias o mais rápido possível, de uma maneira que ajude a acelerar o tempo de lançamento para novos serviços. Em se tratando de grande volume de dados, isso ainda é um esforço para muitas organizações. Apesar das previsões entusiasmadas e do claro potencial, relativamente poucos projetos Hadoop realmente chegaram até a produção, em parte por causa da complexidade do ecossistema. A automação pode ajudar o departamento de TI a superar essa complexidade, tornando possível cumprir a promessa de big data e criar os serviços digitais necessários ao negócio quando são necessários.

Este artigo explora os desafios que atrasam muitos projetos Hadoop e como eles podem ser superados através da automação nas etapas de instalação, desenvolvimento e produção.

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A automação do fluxo de trabalho do Hadoop aumenta a eficiência e a vantagem competitiva

Em agosto de 2015, a BMC solicitou à Forrester Consulting que conduzisse um estudo de como os clientes estão usando o Hadoop em suas organizações. Depois, para explorar melhor essa tendência, a Forrester desenvolveu uma hipótese de que uma iniciativa bem-sucedida de Hadoop não pode ser conduzida isoladamente, mas requer um esforço integrado que cresce e se estende pela empresa. E, uma vez que o processamento em lotes é uma parte importante do fluxo de trabalho do Hadoop, a automação do fluxo de trabalho e o agendamento de tarefas devem ser considerados no início de um projeto de Hadoop, em vez de em uma fase posterior.
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Operações de TI eficientes exigem a automação da carga de trabalho

Em maio de 2016, a BMC contratou a Forrester Consulting para avaliar como as empresas estão utilizando as ferramentas de script e agendamento de tarefas para aumentar a eficiência geral da TI e dar suporte aos fluxos de trabalho de negócios. Depois, para explorar mais a fundo essa tendência, a Forrester testou uma hipótese que afirmava que a mudança dos scripts manuais e do agendamento de tarefas ad hoc para uma automação de tarefas empresarial e controlada aumentaria a eficiência operacional da TI.
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La automatización de las cargas de trabajo es un requisito de las operaciones de TI eficaces

En mayo de 2016, BMC encargó a Forrester Consulting la realización de un estudio para determinar cómo se utilizan las herramientas de scripts y programación de tareas en las empresas, para mejorar la eficacia global de la organización de TI y dar cabida a los flujos de trabajo empresariales. Forrester, con objeto de profundizar más en el estudio, puso a prueba la hipótesis de que abandonar los scripts manuales y la programación ad hoc y utilizar la automatización de las tareas, controlada y en toda la empresa, contribuirá a aumentar la eficacia operativa de TI.
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Connexion de Hadoop à l’entreprise

L'écosystème Apache® Hadoop® s'est développé plus rapidement que les outils et le savoir nécessaire pour l'exploiter. De ce fait, de nombreux programmes de Big Data d'entreprise se sont enlisés. Les développeurs s'efforcent de concrétiser la promesse du Big Date en une réalité tangible. Des douzaines d'outils disponibles contribuent à la difficulté car ils ne sont pas interopérables avec les systèmes d'entreprise existants et nécessitent des compétences spécialisées.

Les entreprises doivent clarifier leur feuille de route pour faire leur choix parmi le labyrinthe constitué par les outils propriétaires et créer des workflows de Big Date et les mettre en production. BMC Control-M Application Integrator est un outil de conception d'automatisation des charges de travail qui permet aux entreprises d'apporter rapidement une valeur ajoutée à partir du Big Data en créant de nouveaux services automatisés.

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Conecte Hadoop a la empresa

El ecosistema Hadoop® de Apache® ha crecido más rápidamente que las herramientas y los conocimientos disponibles para aprovecharlo. La consecuencia es que muchos programas de big data de empresas se han estancado. Los desarrolladores se esfuerzan en hacer que las promesas de los big data se conviertan en una realidad práctica. Hay multitud de herramientas que aumentan el problema, porque no son compatibles con los sistemas anteriores de la empresa y para manejarlas hacen falta conocimientos especializados.

Las organizaciones necesitan una guía clara para superar el laberinto de las herramientas propias, crear flujos de trabajo de big data y ponerlos en funcionamiento. BMC Control-M Application Integrator es una herramienta de diseño de automatización de la carga de trabajo con la que se puede obtener rápidamente valor a partir de los big data mediante la creación de nuevos servicios automatizados.

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Die Workflow Automatisierung in Hadoop steigert die Effizienz und erhöht den Wettbewerbsvorteil

Entdecken Sie die zentrale Stellung der Workload-Automatisierung in den Big Data-Strategien moderner Unternehmen

Die in IT- und Unternehmensleitungen durchgeführte umfassende Umfrage von Forrester bietet wichtige Einblicke in Big Data-Strategien, einschließlich der Vorteile von Workload-Automatisierung für eine schnellere Datenverarbeitung, mehr Effizienz und geringere Fehleranfälligkeit. Informationen zu:

  • Wie und warum Unternehmen Hadoop-Workloads automatisieren
  • Welche Automatisierungs-Tools und -Methoden immer beliebter werden
  • Erfolgsbewertung von Hadoop-Initiativen
  • Entwickeln von Modellen und Anwendungsfällen für Hadoop-Bereitstellungen

Wenden Sie die Ergebnisse aus dem Artikel von Forrester Consulting zu Thought Leadership an, um alle Vorteile von Big Data für Ihr Unternehmen zu nutzen. Laden Sie die Studie noch heute herunter.

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