La Stratégie La Plus Efficace Pour Votre Déploiement À L’International

Seul Equinix peut vous connecter à vos clients et partenaires en accompagnant la croissance de votre entreprise. Notre couverture mondiale est la plus vaste du secteur. Elle comprend le choix le plus large d'opérateurs, de fournisseurs de contenu et de services cloud. Et nous allons encore plus loin : nos datacentres sont implantés dans les principaux centres d'a aires du monde, là où tout se passe.
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Au Centre De L’Avenir

Tandis que l’économie mondiale continue de se rétablir, les entreprises ne se concentrent plus uniquement sur l’efficacité ou la rationalisation de leurs processus pour subsister. Leur objectif est de provoquer la croissance. La croissance provient de nouveaux produits et services, de nouveaux modèles d’affaires, de nouveaux marchés, de nouveaux consommateurs et de la possibilité d’attirer les clients de la concurrence de la concurrence. En raison des implications technologiques de l’évolutivité et du volume, chacun de ces domaines de croissance exige de l’entreprise une convergence entre le métier et la technologie afin de devenir une entreprise numérique. La majorité des entreprises devront repenser leur stratégie technologique et évaluer leur capacité à fournir et à exploiter l’infrastructure nécessaire au soutien de la future entreprise numérique.
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The Successful Cloud-Enabled Enterprise

What’s driving all of the current movement to the cloud? CIOs are charged with adapting quickly to a constantly changing business landscape—while increasing productivity and lowering costs. At the same time, multiple technological trends are coming together to produce an environment in which using cloud resources makes the most sense for many businesses.
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Coverity Scan – Big Data Spotlight

This report shows the defect density rates of the most popular big data projects and the most common defects that Coverity found across open source projects. In addition, specific types of defects found in Apache Hadoop, Apache HBase and Apache Cassandra are also released in this report.
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Fixing XSS

This guide exposes the most common remediations to use when developing a web application in order to fix XSS. Discover the 13 common locations where dynamic data can appear in a web page.
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Infographic: WAFS vs. Traditional File Replication Tools

Efficiently transmitting mission critical modeling and design files between multiple teams in worldwide offices is instrumental to today's architecture, construction and engineering professionals. But as projects span across a smarter set of secure exchange tools are required to bridge the gap.
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The Accidental Trojan Horse

Today’s workforce expects instant access to information, and the ability to send and receive data at the press of a button. When corporate technology and tools are too difficult and cumbersome to use, employees will find a workaround.

Most often, that workaround is a consumer-grade file-sharing tool that they are used to using at home, such as personal email, consumer file-sharing sites, portable storage devices, and cloud storage services, all of which present unique and significant security and compliance risks to organizations.

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Supporting Business-Critical Operations with High Availability Clustering

Businesses count on consistent, dependable access to their mission-critical resources and applications. They rely upon systems such as managed file transfer (MFT) solutions to ensure the security and integrity of these assets and to facilitate uninterrupted processes and operations. A gap in this service—even for just a few minutes—can cause losses of data, business opportunities, and revenue.
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Office Movers Guide: The One Thing to Leave Behind

Your business may be relocating to better premises, but is your phone system also ready to move with the times?

For many businesses, the phone is the lifeblood of communications. It’s a means of providing exemplary customer service and connecting staff efficiently, wherever they may be. Many businesses however, are far from utilising their phone’s full potential. This guide provides insight into modern hosted phone solutions and reasons it may be time to consider leaving the old PBX system behind.

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of RingCentral

RingCentral commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) that enterprises may realize by deploying RingCentral. The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of RingCentral on their organizations.
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How to Connect Your Business Communications Like Never Before?

Are you ready to embrace the new world of work?

For many businesses, the phone is the lifeblood of communications. It’s a means of providing exemplary customer service and connecting staff efficiently, wherever they may be. Many businesses however, are far from utilising their phone’s full potential. This guide provides insight into modern hosted phone solutions and reasons it may be time to consider leaving the old PBX system behind.

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting a Business Phone System

The phone allows your business to flourish. It’s your lifeline to the outside world and is critical to the image you project to customers. It’s your connection to your customers and millions of prospective customers who will reach out to you. That is why selecting the right phone system is important. You need to be sure that the system you choose is reliable and adaptable to the changing needs of your growing business. There’s no need to waste time with trial and error when you can learn from other businesses like yours. To help, we’ve compiled five common mistakes people make when selecting a business phone system; and, more importantly, how you can avoid making these mistakes.
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The Seven Essential Practices for Effective Business Continuity Management

Making changes to your business strategy can often create new risks. If your business continuity management (BCM) plan is not part of an organization-wide, integrated program, it may not evolve to address these new risks. Understand which practices can be followed to successfully protect your organization’s business operations and reputation with a proactive, business-centric approach to BCM that highlights critical practices.
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