The Accidental Trojan Horse

Today’s workforce expects instant access to information, and the ability to send and receive data at the press of a button. When corporate technology and tools are too difficult and cumbersome to use, employees will find a workaround.

Most often, that workaround is a consumer-grade file-sharing tool that they are used to using at home, such as personal email, consumer file-sharing sites, portable storage devices, and cloud storage services, all of which present unique and significant security and compliance risks to organizations.

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Supporting Business-Critical Operations with High Availability Clustering

Businesses count on consistent, dependable access to their mission-critical resources and applications. They rely upon systems such as managed file transfer (MFT) solutions to ensure the security and integrity of these assets and to facilitate uninterrupted processes and operations. A gap in this service—even for just a few minutes—can cause losses of data, business opportunities, and revenue.
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Office Movers Guide: The One Thing to Leave Behind

Your business may be relocating to better premises, but is your phone system also ready to move with the times?

For many businesses, the phone is the lifeblood of communications. It’s a means of providing exemplary customer service and connecting staff efficiently, wherever they may be. Many businesses however, are far from utilising their phone’s full potential. This guide provides insight into modern hosted phone solutions and reasons it may be time to consider leaving the old PBX system behind.

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The Total Economic Impact™ Of RingCentral

RingCentral commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and examine the potential return on investment (ROI) that enterprises may realize by deploying RingCentral. The purpose of this study is to provide readers with a framework to evaluate the potential financial impact of RingCentral on their organizations.
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How to Connect Your Business Communications Like Never Before?

Are you ready to embrace the new world of work?

For many businesses, the phone is the lifeblood of communications. It’s a means of providing exemplary customer service and connecting staff efficiently, wherever they may be. Many businesses however, are far from utilising their phone’s full potential. This guide provides insight into modern hosted phone solutions and reasons it may be time to consider leaving the old PBX system behind.

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting a Business Phone System

The phone allows your business to flourish. It’s your lifeline to the outside world and is critical to the image you project to customers. It’s your connection to your customers and millions of prospective customers who will reach out to you. That is why selecting the right phone system is important. You need to be sure that the system you choose is reliable and adaptable to the changing needs of your growing business. There’s no need to waste time with trial and error when you can learn from other businesses like yours. To help, we’ve compiled five common mistakes people make when selecting a business phone system; and, more importantly, how you can avoid making these mistakes.
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The Seven Essential Practices for Effective Business Continuity Management

Making changes to your business strategy can often create new risks. If your business continuity management (BCM) plan is not part of an organization-wide, integrated program, it may not evolve to address these new risks. Understand which practices can be followed to successfully protect your organization’s business operations and reputation with a proactive, business-centric approach to BCM that highlights critical practices.
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Think You are Safe from DDoS Attacks?

Amazon Web Services is the world's top cloud platform, offering reliable and affordable cloud computing. But, AWS does NOT have customer-specific DDoS detection or prevention and may not be able to help you in the event of a DDoS attack.
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Achieving Application Readiness Maturity

Imagine that you’re a production line manager in a manufacturing company and you’re under pressure to deliver an increasing number of products that are rapidly growing in complexity. You also have to deliver an increasing number of versions of each product. And you have to speed up the production line substantially. If you can’t meet these requirements, your company’s customers will find what they need elsewhere.
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A Guide to REST and API Design

In his 1966 book “The Psychology of Science,” American psychologist Abraham Maslow tackled the idea that those in the field of psychology needed to approach treatment from multiple perspectives, to take on new ideas, and not just continue using the same theories and techniques created by Freud and his followers so many years ago. Acknowledging that changing your point of view can be difficult, Maslow wrote “[I]t is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything like a nail.” We have all had this experience. We get so used to the way things have been done in the past, we sometimes don’t question the reasons for doing them.
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Unlock the Mystery of Effective Strategic Planning

You’re facing increasing global competition. However, changing business models such as lower-cost cloud options, enable more competitors to join the fray faster than ever.

Your response? Consistently select the right projects and bring in-demand products and services to market quickly.

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TechInsights Report: The Changing Role of IT and What to Do About It

Today’s challenging and hyper-competitive business environment offers CIOs a unique opportunity to assume an expanded role as a strategic technology expert collaborating with the business toward greater success, more revenue and happier customers.

It’s in IT’s hands at the moment, but the window of opportunity is closing as lines of business get tech-savvy, spending more of their budgets on IT projects and re-examining the role that IT plays in advising them. IT can either define a new role for itself which embraces this change, or ignore it and risk becoming increasingly irrelevant to the business.

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Seperating Work and Personal: How BlackBerry Balance Works at the Platform Level

As more and more business processes go mobile, IT faces an ever-increasing number of security challenges. Users now have access to a multitude of personal communication channels, such as social networking sites, untrusted personal applications, webmail, web browsing, and instant messaging. Without the proper structures in place, data-transfer mechanisms such as P2P file sharing, USB connectivity, media card swapping, Bluetooth™ and NFC data transfer can all pose a threat to the enterprise.

In the past, better mobile security meant sacrificing the user experience, and vice versa.This paradigm ends with BlackBerry® Balance.™

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