McKesson Transforms Employee Experience with SharePoint +

McKesson is a diversified, publicly-traded pharmaceuticals and healthcare company. As its employee expectations began to change, the global firm embarked on a project to deliver information and services to its workforce via an innovative native mobile app experience.

So, McKesson was on a mission: Find a simple solution to replace the current Salesforce mobile app with a modern one. Ideally, the new app would unify employee services from its SharePoint portal, and deliver personalized content and push notifications to the McKesson workforce — making for an engaging employee experience. They found that solution in Median.

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CMW Platform Demo

CMW Lab software is the first choice on your transition from error-prone Excel-based activities to a system oriented approach.

CMW Platform automates your work processes without coding, boosts team productivity and transforms your business. This video walks you through the platform and gives you an idea of its key features.

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Specialized Manufacturing Digitalization in CMW Platform

A specialized manufacturing company wanted to digitize 7 different warehouse locations around the world, as well as the procurement process connected to them. Owing to the rapid business growth during the COVID pandemics (×8 times more projects than before) the company needed a fully custom solution that corresponded to the manufacturing requirements and was flexible enough to let business analysts make changes on-the-run. All warehouses, equipment and logistic routes converted to the digital platform would have marked the beginning of the company's digital ecosystem. For these purposes company has chosen CMW Platform.


  • Replace an Excel-based approach at a large manufacturing.
  • Support the rapid business expansion with process automation: from 2 projects in 2009 to 16 simultaneous projects in 2023.
  • Decrease additional costs connected with manual warehouse control and procurement.
  • Create a fully customizable digital ecosystem flexible enough for scaling.

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Real Estate Business Expansion with CMW Platform

Business administration team responsible for real estate legal documents addressed to CMW Lab for lease agreements tracking and approval process automation.


  • Track and speed up the approval process.
  • Deliver legal notifications to the tenants linked to their leases dates and terms timely.
  • Optimize the lease parsing process to reduce managers’ workload.
  • Having a 285+ employees across US and globe, to track their performance and help them to succeed.

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How To Start a High-Impact Mentoring Program

Looking to start a mentoring program? That’s great. Mentoring is a proven approach to drive rich learning and development for both mentees and mentors. Mentoring also benefits the sponsoring organization.

Mentoring software provides a complete program environment that helps organizations start, manage, and measure all types of mentoring programs.

Read on to learn about five key steps to take when starting a successful mentoring program.

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5 Steps to Start a Mentoring Program for Women in the Workplace

Looking for an effective way to enable the women at your organization?

Whether you want to increase the number of women in leadership positions, enable more support from peers, or ensure that new employees feel welcome and included, mentoring can do the job!

But making mentoring programs work is not easy – it takes planning and dedication. To help, we’ve gathered our best mentoring program advice into a 5 step plan. You’ll learn how to:

  • Design a program to meet your specific goals.
  • Attract participants for your mentoring program.
  • Connect mentors and mentees.
  • And more!

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Your Guide to Virtual Mentoring

In this time of virtual and remote work, human connection has been made even more critical. The modern workplace continues to adjust to working, learning and connecting remotely. How can leaders continue to foster connection and ensure people feel supported?

One way is to introduce a virtual mentoring program to create deep, purposeful relationships from afar. As organizations continue to adapt to the hybrid workplace, there is one thing that binds us all together and that is the basic need to connect with one another.

Learn how to implement a virtual mentorship strategy in your organization.

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Guide to Measuring Modern Mentoring Programs

The Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model, created by Donald Kirkpatrick in the 1950s and refined by the Kirkpatrick Partners, is a widely used measurement framework that helps organizations evaluate the effectiveness of their learning and training initiatives. From this model we’ve devised the Guide to Measuring Modern Mentoring Programs that provides you with a framework that you can use to develop a well-rounded measurement plan to gauge how impactful your mentoring has been.

This guide teaches you a technique to evaluate your mentoring program, whether it be aimed at improving diversity and inclusion, increasing retention or building leadership skills. In addition, the guide includes a printable worksheet to help you create a unique criteria for your organization to measure your mentoring initiative.

Download the guide and start measuring your mentorship program today!

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Advanced 3D Content for Furniture Retailers

Unlock self-service e-commerce for highly configurable products with our diverse suite of 3D software applications purpose-built for furniture retailers and manufacturers. With proven return on investment, 3D Cloud solutions for furniture serve the online and in-store 3D product visualization needs of consumers, sales associates, and interior designers alike.

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The Definitive Guide to Planning a 3D Project

Managing a 3D project is exciting but can be tricky. We’ve been through it dozens of times, and this 3D ebook includes all of our learnings from the past decade.

If your company is considering a new 3D strategy, use these tips to build a successful 3D project from start to finish.

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Wallet Solutions

Onboard your users with our easy-to-implement wallet solutions. Choose our Wallet API to take full control of the UX, or the Wallet Widget - where we take care of security and compliance.

Venly Wallet allows your users to interact with Web3 familiarly, while we take care of the security & complexity. Integrate our widget in minutes or go for our API solution to get total freedom on UX and asset management.

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NFT Solutions

Build & scale your project with our comprehensive set of Web3 tools. We provide wallet services, marketplace solutions, NFT tools, and more.

To realize our vision of bringing blockchain to the mainstream, we offer NFT tools for anyone to access Web3. Looking to make and sell NFTs? This is a great place to start.

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Gaming Solutions

Effortlessly onboard players into the world of Web3 and build a thriving community around your game. Boost engagement and create new monetization opportunities by incorporating NFTs into gameplay.

Our Web3 Gaming Toolkit is simple for you and your users. You'll launch your game ahead of schedule, while options like social login will eliminate friction for your players.

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E-Commerce Solutions

Engage your customers with exclusive NFT collections, gated virtual experiences, and tokenized “phygital” assets. The opportunities are endless and you can do it all with one app.

NFTs are changing e-commerce as we know it. Don’t get left behind. Community building, digital twins, gated content, customer profiling - see what you can do with tokens.

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Yodify’s Sophisticated Configurator Technology

Configurators for retail products have been around for years - letting customers choose from a selection of sizes, colors, or designs within a single product series.

Industrial and commercial products require significantly more sophistication than many existing e-commerce platforms afford. Yodify’s proprietary technology let’s you deploy configurators that empower your sales teams and clients to get on the same page quickly and submit faster, more detailed, error-free quotes & orders.

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