Datensicherung virtueller Maschinen mit HP StoreEverBandbibliotheken

Viele Unternehmen suchen nach Lösungen zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs, der Kühlanforderungen und des Serverstellplatzes. Auch die Speicherkapazität ist heutzutage ein wichtiger Aspekt. Der Wechsel zu einer virtualisierten Umgebung entschärft dieses Thema, da er eine Möglichkeit zur Konsolidierung des Rechenzentrums eröffnet. Eine weitere Strategie, die zu diesem Ziel beiträgt, ist die Speicherung der Daten auf preiswerteren bandbasierten Lösungen anstatt auf teuren Festplatten-basierten Speichermedien.
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Veeam vs. herkömmliche Backup-Tools: Die Top 10 Gründe, sich für Veeam zu entscheiden

Veeam® Backup & Replication™ ist nicht die einzige Möglichkeit zur Sicherung Ihres Modern Data Center™… aber definitiv die beste. Zwar können jetzt auch viele herkömmliche Backup-Tools Imagebasierte Backups virtueller Maschinen (VMs) erstellen, aber nur Veeam nutzt die Vorteile virtueller Umgebungen voll aus, um Kosten zu senken und den Mehrwert von Backups zu erhöhen – und zwar beträchtlich.
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Top 10 Best Practices in Embedded Analytics

"What is Embedded Analytics?

The objective is to help users work smarter by combining data and analytics to solve high-value business problems and work more efficiently, as these capabilities are available inside the applications users work with every day.This eBook will provide you with the necessary knowledge to successfully implement embedded analytics in your organization.

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Tech Spotlight: Thawte in Education

With the ever-changing advances in technology and the internet, it is imperative that you stay on top of the latest security measures at your institution to protect sensitive data. Download this comprehensive eBook highlighting recent security trends in education to learn more about what you need to do to protect your institution from potential threats.
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Top 10 Website Security Myths Revealed

When it comes to protecting your website and customers from attack, knowledge is your best weapon. But with ever-changing threats and ever-evolving defenses comes ever-growing potential for common misconception. To help you cut through the confusion, view our essential guide now and separate website security myth from reality.
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History of Cryptography

This white paper presents a brief history of cryptography and how encryption-related technologies have evolved and will continue to evolve as well as the measures Internet users should consider when implementing modern encryptions.
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10 Best Practices for Microsoft SharePoint Security

SharePoint is a valuable collaboration tool. But your organization could be vulnerable if you don't take the right steps. There’s no silver bullet for securing SharePoint because each deployment is unique. However, there are 10 best practices that everyone should follow when using this collaboration tool.
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Securing Microsoft Exchange 2010

There are many reasons why now is the right time to make the move to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, including a host of administration and security improvements. However, as with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Exchange 2010 requires SSL certificates to ensure the security of all connections to the email server.

This guide from Thawte is designed to take the guesswork out of implementing SSL for Exchange 2010, making it easier than ever to get the SSL certificate you need for a successful and secure Exchange implementation, and to take advantage of powerful capabilities such as Subject Alternative Names (SANs).
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Thirsting for Insight? Quench It With 5 Data Management for Analytics Best Practices

We all know that good, clean water is core to life. Without it, we can only survive for around three days. So what happens if your water source is polluted? Well, unless you filter the water sufficiently, there will definitely be some negative consequences. To get better results, you could enrich the water with fluoride, filter out the arsenic, and deliver it at the right pressure and temperature.

In a similar way, “unpolluted” data is core to a successful business – particularly one that relies on analytics to survive. But preparing data for analytics brings with it different requirements than storing data in a warehouse. How difficult is it to manage unfiltered data and get it ready for analytics?

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Eight Considerations for Utilising Big Data Analytics with Hadoop

The power of Hadoop is that it utilises schema on read. With a data warehouse, you often have to know what the tables look like before loading data. With Hadoop, you can pull data from any source or type and then figure out how to organize it. Organisations are beginning to use Hadoop as a dumping ground for all kinds of data because it is inexpensive and doesn’t require a schema on write. Such storage is often referred to as a Hadoop “data lake.” On the flip side, the Hadoop/MapReduce engine is not optimised for the iterative processing that analytics often requires. It is best suited to batch processing.
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