Website Security in Corporate America

Data suggests that American companies can expect to suffer an online security breach once every four years. Yet a substantial number of companies and organizations appear unprepared yet confident. How prepared are you and your company? Despite confidence, the data also points to a degree of baseless optimism. Find out how you rank among other IT managers testing your website's vulnerabilities.
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2013 Website Security Threat Report

Each year, Symantec publishes a larger Internet Security Threat Report - this is a subset of that report which focuses on the threats that impact your website and online business. Looking back at the past calendar year it provides an insight into the state of the online world.
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Reducing the Cost and Complexity of Web Vulnerability Management

Business owners and IT managers need a simpler way to detect critical Web vulnerabilities, prevent data security breaches, and protect their customers from identity theft. Learn how using vulnerability assessments to identify exploitable weaknesses and take corrective action can reduce the risk of hackers finding your site and attacking it.
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The Shortcut Guide to Business Security Measures Using SSL

Over the past decade, businesses have had to adapt to an array of technical changes, including an increasingly hostile cyber environment. In this guide, we will examine major types of threats to information security that businesses face today as well as techniques for mitigating those threats. One of the most important tools available to us is SSL technology.
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Transforming Testing Through Automation: The Story of Coverity’s Journey to Automate Testing as Part of Development

People, process, and technology are critical for succeeding in the software development business, which is increasingly characterized by fierce competition, rapid product delivery cycles and relentless demand for more differentiating features that are secure and high quality. The key is to stay in the "driver's seat" and constantly balance the short-term value of feature delivery with the long-term ability to efficiently expand and maintain the product. In our experience, automating testing as much as possible and interleaving test and feature development are critical elements to succeed in this venture.
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Development Testing for Competitive Advantage: Innovative companies move testing upstream in proactive effort to boost efficiency

Regardless of industry, more and more companies are finding themselves in the software business as they seek competitive advantage by developing and delivering increasingly complex applications to their customers. Subject to intense time-to-market demands, these efforts are spawning new business requirements as companies strive to produce products that satisfy their customers' needs for flawless functionality. To deal with this pressure, organizations are looking for ways to increase the productivity of their developers and accelerate their testing process. These organizations must overcome the high risks and costs associated with the traditional software development lifecycle (SDLC).
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A SaaS-First Approach to Application Portfolio Management

A variety of IT research organizations predicted that by 2014 SaaS products would account for more than 40 percent of all new software sales. By any reasonable measure, SaaS is now considered to be an acceptable and, in some cases, a desirable means of supporting a company's business operations. Download this informative white paper to learn benefits of taking a SaaS-first approach to application portfolio management within ITSM.
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Keep Users Happy by Integrating IT Operations and IT Support

The popularity of bringing your own device to work (BYOD), and interactions with social media, users are expecting and demanding far more in terms of IT support. They want services to be available when and where they need them. They want to accomplish their tasks as quickly as possible. And, when they have problems, they expect IT to fix them right then and there. In short, they want a positive experience in all their interactions with IT. Download this informative white paper to learn how to keep users happy by integrating IT Operations and IT Support.
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Connecting the clouds: Best Practices for Integrating IT Service Management

With software as a service (SaaS) you are integrating an external service, hosted by an external party, with your internal systems. The SaaS integration is a matter of connecting the clouds and well articulated interfaces defining the data that is traveling back and forth. With the right integration strategy, SaaS integration can be simple, straightforward, and easy. Moreover, it can position your IT organization to effectively leverage SaaS and migrate from one SaaS solution to another to avoid vendor lock-in. Read this information white paper to understand the things to consider when developing your integration strategy.
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Forrester’s Ideal Tool Set For Application Performance Management For Better Business Performance

Forrester benchmark data on current state of application availability and performance within the enterprise. In conducting a survey of 159 IT professionals with direct responsibility for business-critical applications, Forrester found that all enterprises surveyed had fundamental issues while managing the performance of these applications and business services. Read the report to learn the key findings of this study.
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How Mobility Is Changing the Enterprise

Forward-thinking enterprises use mobile technology across their organizations to give employees, suppliers, and customers access to appropriate data when and where they need it. In this paper, Harvard Business Review examines how mobile 2.0 is about innovation and transformation. Download now to learn how you can reap the benefits of mobile 2.0.
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Mobile Commerce: The Path to Customer Engagement

Mobile technology provides an unprecedented way for enterprises to establish and strengthen customer relationships, as well as increase revenues. Download this mobile commerce playbook from SAP and InfoWorld to learn what you need to know in order to get started in creating your mobile commerce strategy.
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Rethinking Analytics For The Social Enterprise

In this paper, The Tapscott Group examines how today's enterprises are embracing the social revolution by leveraging new analytics to enable better-informed decisions and richer collaboration in real-time. Read more to learn how your organization can gain a competitive advantage.
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