Sponsor: Red Hat, Inc.

Enterprise Integration Design Patterns

The design patterns defined in this deck are based on the book "Enterprise Integration Patterns" which documents the authors combined experience in the integration space and created this notation, which has since been adopted as the standard for describing messaging solutions.
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Inktank Ceph Enterprise

Inktank’s mission is to transform storage with Ceph®, the massively scalable, open source, software-defined storage system that radically improves the economics and management of data management. Launched by leading Ceph developers, Inktank’s mission is to help enterprises use Ceph to break free of expensive and proprietary storage systems to decrease their storage costs, increase their operational flexibility, and effectively manage their rapidly growing data.

Inktank provides best-in-class professional services and support offerings to enterprises, service providers, and cloud platforms. By delivering enterprise-grade Ceph products and services, Inktank helps enterprises manage their storage in ways pioneered by Google and Amazon.

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Inktank Helps Dreamhost Deliver Cloud Storage with Ceph

DreamHost®, a global web and cloud hosting company, prides themselves on providing a quality customer experience backed by the absolute best technology in the industry. They are continuously looking for ways to diversify their offerings, improve reliability, and deliver the best overall service possible. Through their fifteen-year history, DreamHost has grown to over 5000 servers, over 170 employees, and more than 1.2 million domains.
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Ceph is in the Linux kernel and has been integrated with the leading open source cloud management platforms. Key to Ceph’s design is the autonomous, self-healing, and intelligent Object Storage Daemon (OSD). Storage clients and OSDs both use the Controlled, Replication, Under, Scalable, Hashing (CRUSH) algorithm to efficiently compute information about data containers on demand, instead of having to depend on a central lookup table.

CRUSH provides a better data management mechanism than older approaches and enables massive scale by cleanly distributing the work to all the clients and OSDs in the cluster. CRUSH uses intelligent data replication to ensure resiliency, which is better suited to hyper-scale storage. Let’s take a deeper look at how CRUSH works to enable modern cloud storage infrastructures.

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Unified Storage for Openstack

Unlike every other storage solution for OpenStack, Ceph uniquely combines object and block into one complete storage powerhouse for all your OpenStack needs. Ceph is a total replacement for Swift with such distinctive features as intelligent nodes and a revolutionary deterministic placement algorithm, as well as a fully integrated network block device for Cinder.

Ceph’s fully distributed storage cluster and block device decouple compute from storage in OpenStack, allowing mobility of virtual machines (VMs) across your cluster. Ceph’s block device also provides copy-on-write cloning, which enables you to quickly create a thousand VMs from one master image, requiring only enough space to store their subsequent changes.

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Ceph®, The Future of Storage

Ceph®, The Future of Storage™, is a massively scalable, open source, software-defined storage system that runs on commodity hardware. Ceph has been developed from the ground up to deliver object, block, and file system storage in one self-managing, self-healing platform with no single point of failure. With its highly scalable, software defined storage architecture, Ceph is an ideal replacement for legacy storage systems and provides a unified solution for cloud computing environments. Ceph is the foundation of Red Hat’s Inktank Ceph Enterprise™ and the brainchild of Inktank® founder and CTO Sage Weil.
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Ceph Storage for Dell OpenStack™ Virtual Infrastructures

Private, Public, and Hybrid Cloud operating models are today's dominant strategy for deploying large infrastructures. As such vast scale, every cost is examined and optimized. Many deployments take advantage of free open source software to reduce costs, choosing cohesive cloud frameworks like OpenStack™ to avoid building everything from scratch. OpenStack is a cloud operating system designed to enable anyone to build powerful cloud infrastructures on an open, extensible platform.
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A Platform Without Boundaries Webinar Series

More than 90% of the Fortune Global 500 companies use Red Hat products and solutions. These successful enterprises achieve competitive advantage using stable, secure, open software foundations. Whether you’re ready for platform standardization, server virtualization, better management, or modern storage, you can improve efficiency and control costs with Red Hat® solutions.

Join Red Hat for this 3-webinar series where you’ll learn about:

• Building a platform without boundaries.
• Modernizing your IT infrastructure for increased efficiency.
• Proactively evolving your IT portfolio.

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Estandarice para aumentar la esta bilidad, fia bilidad y eficiencia por menos

Como socio estratégico de su negocio, debe responder a las crecientes demandas de la empresa. Por desgracia, se enfrenta a varios retos. Su complejo entorno de TI es costoso de gestionar y tiene un alto riesgo de tiempo de inactividad. Es probable que la mayoría de sus recursos y presupuesto vaya destinada a mantener la estabilidad, la seguridad y la fiabilidad de sus sistemas de TI. Posiblemente en su organización faltan los procesos necesarios para gestionar con total garantía los problemas de soporte, las transiciones de TI y la implantación de nuevas aplicaciones. Necesita proteger su entorno de TI de las crecientes amenazas de seguridad. Y todo esto con un presupuesto cada vez más reducido. ¿Qué recursos se pueden redirigir a ofrecer una ventaja competitiva con una base de TI totalmente estable?
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Contención de costes y aumento de la eficiencia operativa

Como socio estratégico de su negocio, debe dar respuesta a la creciente demanda de los responsables de la línea de negocio en cuanto a nuevas funciones y capacidades avanzadas sin salirse de un limitado presupuesto de TI. ¿Qué se puede hacer para cumplir estas expectativas y agregar valor a la empresa conteniendo los costes, aumentando la eficiencia operativa y en resumen, haciendo más con menos?
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Massimi risultati di sta bilità, affida bilità ed efficienza con il minimo sforzo grazie alla standardizzazione

I partner strategici delle aziende devono fronteggiare esigenze aziendali in continua crescita. Purtroppo, le problematiche non sono poche. Un ambiente IT complesso è particolarmente oneroso da gestire e prevede un rischio elevato di interruzione delle attività. La maggior parte delle risorse e del budget sarà molto probabilmente destinata alla stabilità, alla sicurezza e all'affidabilità dei sistemi IT. L'organizzazione potrebbe essere sprovvista de processi necessari per gestire in modo sicuro problemi di supporto, transizioni IT e nuove implementazioni di applicazioni. È necessario proteggere l'ambiente IT da un numero crescente di minacce alla sicurezza. E tutto questo a fronte di un budget limitato! Quali risorse è possibile reindirizzare per garantire un vantaggio competitivo, potendo contare maggiormente sulla stabilità dell'ambiente IT?
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Quantificazione dei benefici commerciali delle soluzioni Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Linux viene adottato in misura sempre maggiore dalle imprese alla ricerca di una piattaforma sicura, affidabile e ad alte prestazioni, in grado di ridurre i costi operativi e di acquisizione e di fornire al contempo il livello di agilità necessario per prevedere e soddisfare condizioni aziendali mutevoli. In particolare, l'ambiente operativo Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), basato sul kernel open source di Linux, risulta l'opzione di implementazione più diffusa nelle medie e grandi imprese, nei datacenter aziendali e nelle infrastrutture di cloud pubblico e privato.
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Maîtriser les coûts et accroître l’efficacité opérationnelle

En tant que partenaire stratégique, vous subissez une pression de plus en plus forte de la part des responsables sectoriels, qui attendent de vous que vous développiez de nouvelles fonctionnalités et des capacités avancées tout en respectant un budget informatique limité. Que pourriez-vous faire pour répondre à ces attentes et apporter une valeur ajoutée à l'entreprise si vous étiez en mesure de maîtriser les coûts, d'accroître votre efficacité opérationnelle et d'en faire plus avec moins?
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Standardisierung zur Erh öhung der Sta bilit ät, Zuverl ässigkeit und Effizienz mit weniger Ressourcen

Durch eine Standardisierung auf Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® und Red Hat Satellite erhalten Sie die stabile und bewährte Unternehmensplattform, die vereinfachten und automatisierten Abläufe sowie die Sicherheit auf Militärniveau, die Sie benötigen, um die Betriebszeiten zu maximieren, die Managementkosten zu senken und schnell auf geschäftliche Anforderungen zu reagieren.
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