Leveraging Application Deployment Automation in the Cloud

Event Details: July 16, 2014 at 1:00 PM Eastern

Faster time to deployment is a vital component of cloud computing, regardless of what cloud platforms you are using. Automating the deployment of your applications can significantly speed up launch time and simplify management.

Dell Cloud Manager allows you to easily create reusable application blueprints. Design and configure an application stack once, then save for future use. Any authorized user can leverage the blueprint as a ready-made template, or simply deploy to the cloud platform of their choice at the click of a button. Using Chef or Puppet? We integrate with both - or you can use our built-in service catalog.

Join us for this informative session where you will learn how your organization can benefit from leveraging the cloud for application delivery.

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Hybrid Cloud Backup Delivers More for Less

In this technology brief, research firm Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) shares their perspective on the increasing importance of a hybrid approach which combines on-premise and cloud capabilities to meet today's data protection requirements.
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The growing role of the cloud in Business Continuity

This study looks at the ways that the adoption of cloud computing strategies have impacted planning for business continuity and disaster recovery. This pulse research study looks into the drivers for adoption of both public and private cloud solutions as part of a BC/DR strategy, and why organizations are electing to use the cloud for specific parts of their overall business resilience plan.
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Gartner Paper “Enterprise Bandwidth Needs Through 2017”

New trends impact networking costs, which can already represent a significant portion of IT spending. Mobile devices and cloud computing as well as video viewing may drive network requirements to new and unseen levels. This report from Gartner forecasts changes to enterprise network capacity over the next five years by evaluating the impact of cloud, mobile, video and BYOD using a range of scenarios. This research will help network planners to understand the challenges and measure which kind of evolution is best practice.
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Clabby Analyst Report: Workload Automation with Cloud

Running workloads in a cloud environment presents new challenges. How to manage applications that span the virtual and physical; the public cloud and the private cloud; and the mainframe and distributed systems. In this context, job scheduling is becoming a more dynamic discipline, combining advanced automation with new workload types and cloud delivery models. In this Clabby Research whitepaper, learn how using Workload Automation can help ensure cloud success.
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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Cloud Backup

Only customers have access to the key and, subsequently, their data, once authenticated. To perform enterprise restores quickly, a backup solution must also use multi-threaded restores in order to allow parallel transfers of multiple files. Using multi-threaded restoration significantly accelerates the time it takes to restore data to a user’s computer.

This Whitepaper provides real-time visibility, enabling organizations to support their governance and compliance needs.

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Data Integration for Dummies eBook

Whether you need to explain data integration to the business (or your boss, kids, or parents) or you’re looking for an alternative to hand-coding data mappings, “Data Integration For Dummies” is for you. This eBook gives you the information you need to learn the basics fast and make smarter decisions.

You’ll learn what data integration is, how it works, and how you can use the technology to become more competitive as you combine your existing data sources with new data sources to provide the business intelligence your organization needs to compete effectively.

Download your copy and get up to speed on:

• The top 10 criteria to keep in mind when shopping for data integration tools
• Data integration challenges that crop up in every implementation, and how to tackle them before they get out of control
• Real-life examples of how data integration can help for sectors like government, retail, healthcare, and finance
• How it's now possible to launch data integration on a small scale and grow on-premise and in the cloud, with virtually no hand-coding

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Choosing a partner for enterprise cloud production workloads

Many IT professionals cite loss of control as a barrier to using third-party partners for enterprise cloud construction and management. Read the white paper to learn how IBM SmartCloud Services help knock down this barrier by offering the cost-savings and convenience of a third-party cloud with a web portal that gives you control of cloud activities. You’ll also find out how IBM cloud solutions can help your organization enhance business processes, create new revenue streams and boost competitive advantage.
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Edison Group – The Business and Economic Advantages of SmartCloud Entry for Power Systems

Companies worldwide are embracing private clouds, not only because they support new, highly efficient and secure data solutions, but also to drive new competitive organizational strategies. This white paper provides an assessment of the business value of implementing IBM SmartCloud Entry for Power Systems versus comparable private cloud solutions from VMware on Intel. It discusses the benefits of private cloud solutions, including reduced labor and hardware/software costs, ease of implementation and adoption, scalability, organizational flexibility, security, improved efficiency, as well as allocation of and access to IT resources.
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Forrester TEI: The Economic Impact of VCS Technology

Goodbye ballooning costs. Hello efficient cloud. Enterprises and service providers are migrating to highly virtualized, cloud-based service models to accelerate new service delivery and drive innovation while also reducing costs. The Forrester Total Economic Impact study, "The Total Economic Impact of Brocade VCS Fabric Technology", proves that with VCS fabric technology, organizations can expect a 41 percent ROI when upgrading to these highly virtualized, next-generation environments.
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APM and DevOps: Driving Application Performance Up to Cloud Scale

As businesses increasingly move code to the cloud - whether public or private - performance in an increasingly complex environment continues to grow in importance.  Today, application operations or development operations has emerged as a key role, ensuring that increasing stack complexity doesn't translate to user frustration and departments seeking their own IT solutions.
These new roles call for a new tool set that aligns with all the elements of the emerging cloud infrastructure.  Is your organization equipped to support application operations today? View this webcast and learn how to drive efficiency up no matter how your business scales.
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Delivering IT as a Service: Preparing For the Private Cloud

Virtualization and cloud computing have permeated throughout IT and the enterprise, with users putting down a credit card to provision a new application and IT struggling with the challenges of keeping the lights on while trying to become change agents that LOBs demand. What can enterprises do now to accelerate their transition to delivering IT as a Service, with streamlined provisioning of applications, storage and servers to meet ever-changing business demands? Join us for this webinar to hear Cloudcor CEO Khazret Sapenov and Slashdot industry expert Michael Krieger discuss the steps that all businesses - whether or not they are currently cloud-based - to take to improve the speed with which IT operations can deliver on functionality and features promised to users.
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