Understanding Real-World Social Engineering Threats

Social engineering is a growing threat, exploiting human psychology to breach security. Unlike traditional cyber attacks that rely on exploiting technical vulnerabilities, social engineering targets the most unpredictable element of any security system: people.

Join Sean Bell, Sr. Solutions Engineer at Fortra, as we explore:

  • How attackers craft convincing and deceptive scenarios to manipulate their targets
  • Effective training methods to prepare employees for recognizing and countering these attacks
  • Real-world examples showcasing the latest social engineering attacks and their impacts

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Gamification for Cyber Security Awareness Training Success

Corporate cybersecurity awareness training is in dire need of revitalization due to employees being overwhelmed with tasks and showing minimal interest in traditional training sessions. Gamification transforms this training into an engaging and relatable experience. By integrating gamified elements with scientifically grounded training methodologies, companies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of their cybersecurity programs.

The inherent human tendency to trust makes individuals vulnerable to cyber threats, with phishing attacks alone costing companies an average of $1.1 million. However, when companies adopt people-centric training, they turn their biggest risk factor into their strongest asset against cyber threats. Gamified training not only makes the learning process more interactive but also emphasizes the real risks of cybersecurity, thereby fostering a proactive and informed organizational culture.

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Pendiente 2 The Cyber Security Hub

Establishing a strong security-aware organizational culture and changing user behavior is built on knowledge. To avoid data breaches, employees must be able to identify and report potential cyber threats.

The Cyber Security Hub makes it easier than ever to obtain and distribute content on a variety of important cyber security topics, including phishing, social engineering, ransomware, passwords, and much more.

The Cyber Security Hub’s content includes:

  • Explanations and examples of important cyber threats
  • Expert CISO-approved tips on strengthening data protection
  • Fun, informative reinforcement material to boost user engagement

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Pendiente 1 Try Cybersecurity Awareness Games

Are your employees truly engaging with your security awareness training? Traditional methods often fall flat, leading to unsafe behaviors and low knowledge retention.

Gamified training can change that. By making the learning process interactive, you can increase engagement by 60%, reduce risky behaviors, and enhance knowledge retention.

Transform your security training into an exciting experience and build a workforce that is better prepared to recognize and respond to security threats.

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Streamline Your Contractor Management Process

Are you still managing third-party contractor requirements manually with paper or email? There’s a better way! This infographic shows how you can simplify and digitize your contractor compliance process, saving time and reducing errors.

Download the infographic and see how you can achieve better compliance with less effort.

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How Evraz Modernized Contractor Management to Achieve Compliance

In this case study you will find out how Evraz North America modernized their contractor management process and how its helping them achieve compliance. Hear from their safety team as they describe how Contractor Compliance helped them solve the challenges they were facing and the impact it is having on their organization.

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How Genpak Reduced Compliance Admin By 70%

In this case study you will learn how Genpak streamlined their contractor management process by digitizing compliance and how it has reduced admin by 70%. Gain crucial insights from Genpak's Director of Safety and Environment, Michael Schell, as he describes the challenges he had, how Contractor Compliance has helped solve them and what impact it has had on Genpak LLC.

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The Safety Numbers That Matter

No matter the size of your business, data matters. The correct data can help your organization make strategic, intelligent, and well-informed business decisions that can push your organization forward. In addition, good data gives your company a competitive advantage and tells you where to invest your time and resources.

TRIR, EMR, and DART are solid representations of safety performance and provide a benchmark to measure an organization against its peers. They help leadership understand where their company stands and how their safety program is performing. They also have severe implications for an organization's overall health and profitability. So let's explore each number, why they matter, and how to improve them.

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Measure, Analyze & Improve Compliance Instantly

Contractor Compliance is a cloud-based contractor management software that empowers organizations to easily collect, track and manage third-party contractor and vendor compliance requirements. Ditch your manual spreadsheets and access contractor information instantly from any device, anywhere at any time.

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7 Steps to IH Success eBook

Whether you’re a seasoned Certified Industrial Hygienist or new to the field, 7 Steps to Industrial Hygiene Success is the definitive guide to implementing a process-based IH program management framework built on AIHA best practices. You'll get a detailed look at how to optimize the seven fundamental elements of an effective IH program, including, similar exposure groups (SEGs), qualitative exposure assessments (QEAs), sampling plans, lab analysis, data analysis, medical surveillance, evaluating and communicating performance. Download the eBook today.

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ISO 45001 eBook

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed ISO 45001, the international standard for Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) management systems, with input from industry representatives and subject matter experts around the world. Whether your organization decides to certify their OH&S management system to ISO 45001 or simply use the Standard as a resource, it offers guidance you can follow to improve your OH&S performance, foster employee engagement, improve stakeholder relationships, and build business resilience. If you’re ready to start following ISO 45001, this eBook has all the information you need. Download it today.

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IH Program Cycle

Looking for an easier, more efficient way to coordinate and manage all the moving parts of your industry hygiene (IH) Program? Whether you’re a seasoned Certified Industrial Hygienist or new to the field and responsibilities of IH, your program can benefit from the seven proven steps outlined in this IH Program Cycle Infographic. It highlights the key processes you need to efficiently maintain compliance and protect worker health. Download it today.

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Tier II Cheat Sheet

If your workplace contains hazardous chemicals, a written HazCom plan is essential for OSHA compliance and employee safety – but with so much information to cover, it can be difficult knowing where to start. To help simplify the process, VelocityEHS created this customizable template containing the basic elements of an OSHA-compliant plan. The compliance timeline has started, so there's never been a better time to make sure your written plan meets regulatory requirements.

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OSHA HazCom Template

If your workplace contains hazardous chemicals, a written HazCom plan is essential for OSHA compliance and employee safety – but with so much information to cover, it can be difficult knowing where to start. To help simplify the process, VelocityEHS created this customizable template containing the basic elements of an OSHA-compliant plan. The compliance timeline has started, so there's never been a better time to make sure your written plan meets regulatory requirements.

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OSHA GHS Final Rule Webinar

OSHA finally published its final rule updating requirements in its Hazard Communication (HazCom) Standard. These changes will impact everyone throughout the supply chain, including your organization. This on-demand webinar has the information you need to ensure you maintain compliance with OSHA’s updated standard.

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