Warum Sie Sandboxing zur Gefahrenabwehr benötigen

Unternehmen, deren Daten durch Advanced Persistent Threats (APT oder hoch entwickelte, andauernde Bedrohungen) abgegriffen wurden, beherrschen die Schlagzeilen und Sandboxing wird als das Nonplusultra zum Schutz gegen APTs propagiert. Warum? Warum Sandboxing? Was kann Ihnen eine Sandbox-Lösung bieten, das Ihre vorhandenen Sicherheitsebenen Ihnen noch nicht liefern?
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Das Fortinet Advanced Threat Protection Framework

In den Jahren 2013 und 2014 haben viele bekannte Marken und große Unternehmen Schlagzeilen gemacht. Der Grund dafür war jedoch weder eine beachtenswerte wirtschaftliche Leistung noch ein innovatives Produkt, sondern die Tatsache, dass sie Opfer von massivem Datenklau wurden. Durch nur einen dieser dreisten und weitreichenden Angriffe wurden die personenbezogenen und/oder Kreditkartendaten von über 100 Millionen Kunden gestohlen.
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Bei der Bekämpfung moderner, komplexer Angriffe als Unternehmen handlungsfähig bleiben

Das Konzept moderner, hoch entwickelter Angriffe, auch Advanced Persistent Threats (APT oder komplexe persistente Bedrohungen) genannt, hat sich in den Sprachgebrauch und das kollektive Denken der IT eingebrannt. Beflügelt durch Nachrichten von ständig neuen Datendiebstählen bekommen komplexe, persistente Bedrohungen den Nimbus des Mythischen, werden aber dennoch größtenteils verkannt. Lange ging man davon aus, dass komplexe, persistente Bedrohungen für alle Datendiebstähle verantwortlich seien, auch dann, wenn nachfolgende Untersuchungen ergaben, dass eigentlich menschliches Versagen oder eine mangelhafte Netzwerkarchitektur das Eindringen ins Netzwerk ermöglicht haben.
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Head-First Into The Sandbox

In computers, the term sandboxing has long been used to represent a safe, isolated environment in which to run malicious code so researchers can analyze it. The same concept is now being applied by network security appliances to execute and inspect network traffic, uncovering malicious code that would previously slip past traditional security measures.
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Infrastructure Advanced Threat Protection de Fortinet

En 2013 et 2014, de nombreuses grandes entreprises et marques de premier plan ont fait la une, non pas en raison d’une reprise économique remarquable après la récession ou du lancement d’un produit innovant, mais pour des atteintes massives à la sécurité de leurs données. Les données personnelles ou de carte bancaire de plus de 100 millions de clients ont été ainsi dérobées par le biais d’une seule de ces attaques audacieuses de grande envergure.
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Préserver la continuité des activités en luttant contre les attaques avancées actuelles

Les attaques avancées d’aujourd’hui, également désignées sous le terme de menaces persistantes avancées (ou APT pour Advanced Persistent Threats), sont désormais dans tous les esprits et font partie du vocabulaire quotidien des professionnels de l’informatique. Les annonces de brèches de sécurité régulières ont conféré un sens mythique aux APT, mais celles-ci restent largement méconnues. Plus important encore, toutes les brèches de sécurité sont considérées comme des APT, même s’il est démontré après coup que l’infiltration du réseau était initialement due à une erreur humaine ou à une mauvaise conception du réseau.
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Simple and Secure

This white paper explains why companies need secure enterprise file sync and share (EFSS) solutions, how users can work with them, and which capabilities an EFSS product should have. Last but not least, the white paper also looks at the extent to which Brainloop Dox, a new EFSS product, corresponds to user requirements.
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The State of the User Experience

The second annual The State of the User Experience is Limelight Networks’ latest in a series of surveys that explore consumer perceptions and behaviors around digital content. This report is based on responses Limelight Networks received in July 2015 from 1,302 consumers located in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Singapore ranging in demographics, gender, and education.
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Verify, Validate, Trace & Test

Designing a reliable test strategy requires broad, strategic thinking. The goal of verification is to ensure you release a best-quality system that meets customer expectations as documented in your early design concept and requirements gathering phases. To maximize the value of your test process, test your product objectives early.
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Traceability Best Practices

As products get smarter, building them right becomes a matter of managing complexity. Products have more requirements and companies have globally distributed teams and more products in their portfolios. But when a single new product, version or variant has thousands of requirements and interdependencies, the process of defining, engineering and managing them grows exponentially more complicated. Traceability becomes more challenging.
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Tableau Metadata Model

The first layer of abstraction is the Connection. The Connection stores information about how to access the data and what data to make available to Tableau. The connection attributes for the database, the tables, views and columns to use, and any joins or custom SQL used to access the data. To support true ad hoc analysis, Tableau does not require that all fields, tables or joins be included in the initial connection. This allows users to get started with a simple connection and change it as needed to include more fields or tables.
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When Trust Online Breaks, Businesses Lose Customers

This is the second part of the Ponemon Institute’s 2015 Cost of Failed Trust Report, which reveals the damaging impacts on global business from unprotected cryptographic keys and digital certificates. This new report reveals that most companies lose customers, suffer costly outages, fail audits, and experience breaches due to unprotected and poorly managed keys and certificates.
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Managed File Transfer Survival Guide – Implement a Successful MFT Strategy

More than a third of all business-critical processes involve managed file transfer but many people underestimate the effort it takes to be successful with the strategy. MFT is not a simple install-and-go solution. In this final installment of our MFT Survival Guide series, we walk the phases of incremental MFT implementation to ensure a smooth transition to the world of high-end managed file transfer.

In this white paper, you will learn:

•How to build a solid business case for a Managed File Transfer project

•How to create and execute a project blueprint

•Why testing MFT processes is important and how to do it

•How to support your MFT solution and plan for future functionality

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Eliminate Blind Spots in SSL Encrypted Traffic

Many security systems now perform high speed SSL/TLS decryption. But these systems cannot decrypt traffic if they don’t have access to keys and certificates. To eliminate blind spots in encrypted traffic, you need to secure your keys and certificates. Otherwise, your other security controls become less effective and leave the door open to cybercriminals.
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