Total Mobility: The Positive Impact of Flexible Working Made Clear for IT managers
The State of Digital Downloads
Veeam Cloud Connect: Pre-configured VM deployment from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace
Sauvegarde de VMs : Veeam et les outils de sauvegarde traditionnelle
Veeam Backup & Replication v8: Designing and planning backup repository performance
VM-Backup: Veeam vs. herkömmliche Backup-Tools
Six Important Considerations when Choosing a Colocation Provider White Paper
Fuzz Testing Maturity Model
The Fuzz Testing Maturity Model (FTMM) gives builders and buyers a set of standard levels for communicating about fuzz testing.
Synopsys solutions help deliver a more comprehensive security offering for the SDLC by adding black box testing capabilities, including the Codenomicon Defensics® tool for file and protocol fuzz testing, and the Codenomicon AppCheck™ tool for software composition analysis and vulnerability assessment.
Understanding Verification, Validation and Certification
Synopsys solutions help deliver a more comprehensive security offering for the SDLC by adding black box testing capabilities, including the Codenomicon Defensics® tool for file and protocol fuzz testing, and the Codenomicon AppCheck™ tool for software composition analysis and vulnerability assessment.
What is Fuzzing: The Poet, the Courier, and The Oracle
Synopsys solutions help deliver a more comprehensive security offering for the SDLC by adding black box testing capabilities, including the Codenomicon Defensics® tool for file and protocol fuzz testing, and the Codenomicon AppCheck™ tool for software composition analysis and vulnerability assessment.
Five Simple Strategies for Securing Your APIs
APIs in Mobile Apps: Delivering the Right Balance Between App Security and Usability
From home, the office or on the road, people want the convenience of being able to login to their email, check their credit card balances, buy new clothes, book travel, share links with social networks, copy images into reports, upload files to the cloud and more. While businesses work feverishly to answer the demand, they need to be aware of the extreme security threat involved in enabling these mobile initiatives.
APIs Guide for Extending Your ESB/SOA Environment to Mobile, Cloud and IoT
Driving Business Value from Flash-optimized Storage
Flash storage is new because the ongoing advances in performance, density, and other factors are still continuing to help flash take over an increasing number of performance-sensitive workloads from conventional spinning-desk arrays.