Gartner: Becoming Masters of Data and Analytics: 2019 Data and Analytics Predictions

To stay competitive in an increasingly digital world, businesses must become masters of data. By 2020, more than seven billion people & companies, and at least 35 million devices, will be wired to the web. Success now depends on not only keeping up with fast paced digital innovation, but also harnessing the continual data explosion it creates; and this will mean a sizeable shift in the way companies handle their insights.

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Forrester: Customer Data Maturity Powers the Modern Enterprise

With the growing importance of customer insights in organizations, the role of analytics to extract insight from customer data and embed it back into organizational processes is at the forefront of business transformation. This increased profile has elevated the customer insights role from data geeks feeding the marketing funnel to critical change agents and strategic business partners. It has also made it crucial for companies to have a coherent and consistently executed customer data strategy. In order to seize the opportunity presented by this shift in data’s role, companies must plot a deliberate strategic course — beginning with a clear-eyed assessment of their current capabilities and needs.

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Gartner: Before You Buy: A Guide For Choosing a Customer Data Platform

In this newsletter, Tealium features the Gartner report, Market Guide for Customer Data Platforms for Marketing. We aim to identify obstacles caused by fragmented customer data silos & establish how CDPs can help data & analytical professionals at enterprise companies improve their first party data management. The recommendations come as the result of a yearlong study, in which Gartner analysts surveyed more than 400 martech end users and technology vendors, and collaborated with high-tier industry publications & reports for secondary research. Consequently, they offer comprehensive insight into CDPs available from a variety of vendors, and factors to consider when evaluating implementation.

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Gartner: Becoming Masters of Data and Analytics: 2019 Data and Analytics Predictions

To stay competitive in an increasingly digital world, businesses must become masters of data. By 2020, more than seven billion people & companies, and at least 35 million devices, will be wired to the web. Success now depends on not only keeping up with fast paced digital innovation, but also harnessing the continual data explosion it creates; and this will mean a sizeable shift in the way companies handle their insights.

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Gartner: Before You Buy: A Guide For Choosing a Customer Data Platform

In this newsletter, Tealium features the Gartner report, Market Guide for Customer Data Platforms for Marketing. We aim to identify obstacles caused by fragmented customer data silos & establish how CDPs can help data & analytical professionals at enterprise companies improve their first party data management. The recommendations come as the result of a yearlong study, in which Gartner analysts surveyed more than 400 martech end users and technology vendors, and collaborated with high-tier industry publications & reports for secondary research. Consequently, they offer comprehensive insight into CDPs available from a variety of vendors, and factors to consider when evaluating implementation.

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Forrester: Customer Data Maturity Powers the Modern Enterprise

With the growing importance of customer insights in organizations, the role of analytics to extract insight from customer data and embed it back into organizational processes is at the forefront of business transformation. This increased profile has elevated the customer insights role from data geeks feeding the marketing funnel to critical change agents and strategic business partners. It has also made it crucial for companies to have a coherent and consistently executed customer data strategy. In order to seize the opportunity presented by this shift in data’s role, companies must plot a deliberate strategic course — beginning with a clear-eyed assessment of their current capabilities and needs.

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Forrester: Customer Data Maturity Powers the Modern Enterprise

With the growing importance of customer insights in organizations, the role of analytics to extract insight from customer data and embed it back into organizational processes is at the forefront of business transformation. This increased profile has elevated the customer insights role from data geeks feeding the marketing funnel to critical change agents and strategic business partners. It has also made it crucial for companies to have a coherent and consistently executed customer data strategy. In order to seize the opportunity presented by this shift in data’s role, companies must plot a deliberate strategic course — beginning with a clear-eyed assessment of their current capabilities and needs.

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Gartner: Becoming Masters of Data and Analytics: 2019 Data and Analytics Predictions

To stay competitive in an increasingly digital world, businesses must become masters of data. By 2020, more than seven billion people & companies, and at least 35 million devices, will be wired to the web. Success now depends on not only keeping up with fast paced digital innovation, but also harnessing the continual data explosion it creates; and this will mean a sizeable shift in the way companies handle their insights.

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Gartner: Before You Buy: A Guide For Choosing a Customer Data Platform

In this newsletter, Tealium features the Gartner report, Market Guide for Customer Data Platforms for Marketing. We aim to identify obstacles caused by fragmented customer data silos & establish how CDPs can help data & analytical professionals at enterprise companies improve their first party data management. The recommendations come as the result of a yearlong study, in which Gartner analysts surveyed more than 400 martech end users and technology vendors, and collaborated with high-tier industry publications & reports for secondary research. Consequently, they offer comprehensive insight into CDPs available from a variety of vendors, and factors to consider when evaluating implementation.

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Transform workforce experiences with an intelligent, unified approach to IT

At Dell Technologies, we understand your top priority is transforming your organization for ultimate value and efficiency — for yourself and your end users. Now you can — with Dell Technologies Unified Workspace, we solve your biggest pain points. Get an intelligent, unified approach that gives you improved visibility, insights and automation to streamline processes and deliver exceptional user experiences.

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Managing Security Risk And Compliance In A Challenging Landscape

Security leaders have been in front of boards and executive committees long enough to know that security metrics that simply portray statistics from monitoring tools, or count the number of malware attacks, add relatively little value to strategy and budget decisions. Protecting sensitive customer and company data shouldn’t be just a compliance obligation, it should be a business imperative. This is exactly why the right technology partners will help push security, risk, and compliance objectives forward.

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The Case For End-To-End Solutions For Mid Market Firms

In a digital business, processes are rarely, if ever, confined to the infrastructure of the company. Customers and employees engage across numerous digital channels and dozens of third-party relationships critical to operations. IT leaders must rapidly evolve to protect their firms’ brands, strengthen their reputations, and build customer trust. To do so, security and productivity should go hand-in-hand, and that means a well-defined policy framework, metrics that demonstrate business value, and a business-aligned strategy that ties all this together.

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Digital transformation from the front lines to dispatch to the cloud

For years, workstations were used only for very specialized applications that required ultra-high performance and carried a high-value work product that justified a hefty price tag. But while performance demands have intensified, you may be surprised to learn that your budget can, in fact, support workstation investments. Read this paper to learn why you need performance that goes beyond even today’s highest-end personal computers and how to make the business case for workstations that are more affordable than ever.

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