3 Ways Your Users’ Feedback can Boost Your Bottom Line

With so many competing apps and websites offering comparable products and services, the battleground on which brands compete has shifted away from what they are providing, to how they are providing it. Leveraging user feedback early and often across the entire software development lifecycle guarantees the user experience you are providing reflects the same high level of quality you’ve established with your products and services. When you can differentiate your brand through your user experience, and improve your teams’ efficiency, your bottom line will reap the benefits.

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Is The QA Lab Dead?

The traditional QA lab cannot keep up with the demands of modern software development, unable to keep pace with developer speeds, cover the necessary level of devices and real-life use cases, and account for the entirety of an omnichannel experience.

Many organizations are opening their pockets to resolve these inefficiencies, but money alone won’t solve a traditional lab’s shortcomings. To succeed, organizations must adopt a new philosophy around QA.

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Using Digital Experience Monitoring for Cloud Performance Management

There’s a lot of talk about migrating applications to the cloud and managing the cloud’s performance, but what exactly does this mean? While we seem to be entering an era of “everything-as-a-service,” cloud services are typically divided into three broad categories: software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS).

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SaaS Monitoring

SaaS was one of the first cloud solutions to hit the market. It provides the ability to consume information through a browser or API. IT teams don’t have to manage applications, hardware, security, or storage; the vendor manages everything. Users subscribe to a SaaS service on a recurring basis and can easily scale. There are SaaS solutions for every function and department within an organization. Thousands of SaaS applications are on the market today covering everything from managing social media posts to video conferencing to obtaining signatures on contracts.

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API Monitoring: A Primer

As distributed systems evolved, so did the need for protocols that would act as a common platform for communication among independent systems. The introduction of HTTP as the data communication protocol underpinning the web paved the way for processes that enabled disparate applications to talk to each other. Application Programming Interfaces or APIs provided the building blocks for such processes.

So, what are API's?

As distributed systems evolved, so did the need for protocols that would act as a common platform for communication among independent systems. The introduction of HTTP as the data communication protocol underpinning the web paved the way for processes that enabled disparate applications to talk to each other. Application Programming Interfaces or APIs provided the building blocks for such processes.

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Innovate with a Modern Content Services Platform

In today’s dynamic environment, companies need software solutions that let IT move quickly and in whatever direction the business wants.

Unfortunately, when it comes to enterprise content management (ECM), most companies have a patchwork of disparate systems built up over years of departmental and tactical deployments.

This messy mix of legacy systems exacts a high price. It’s costly to maintain and a real drag on operational efficiency, user productivity and IT resources.

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Architect for the Cloud

When it comes to managing content in the cloud, it’s not a question of if, but when, how, and for what use cases. This guide covers some practical considerations for pursuing a successful cloud-based content management strategy, with a focus on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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Integrate Content & Process

Merging your process and content can transform your organization—putting you that much closer to achieving digital transformation. From making your content generally more useful for customers and employees to having your business run more efficiently, this eBook will uncover practical tips and insights on how to successfully digitize and automate your business.

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Build-in Information Governance

With increasing regulations across the globe aimed at protecting personal data and ensuring information is appropriately secured and managed, it is vital to have control of your content and processes. Without suitable security, policy controls and lifecycle processes, your content can be a big liability. Compliance issues,large fines, undermined trust and brand reputation are all at stake.

This eBook looks at best practices for invisibly embedding Information Governance into your ECM system and content-driven processes, so it just happens.

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Three Sure Ways to Get Your Factory Fit for the Future

Behind the scenes of the world’s leading industrial and manufacturing companies, a profound digital transformation is now underway.

As with any profound transformation, the opportunities for competitive advantage and growth are enormous, but so are the challenges . How do you determine what your next digital transformation steps should be? How do you position your manufacturing business to take the next step—and the one after that?

This eBook will help you answer these questions.

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Start Every Meeting On Time

When your business runs on meetings, every minute counts. Unfortunately modern day complexities like AV connections, long dial-ins, document sharing and remote teams can often keep you waiting–and waiting some more–for your meetings to begin.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way. With some planning smarts and the right systems, you, too, can have blissfully punctual meetings that not only start on time, but finish on the dot as well. Here are 9 causes and fixes for Late Meeting Syndrome.

Dialpad is the cloud based, AI-powered phone system that supports voice, video, and messages all from your existing devices.

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Boosting Workplace Productivity with AI

To close deals and get more done, you might feel compelled to make a drastic change, like hiring an entirely new team or overhauling every single operations system.

But this all-or-nothing approach isn’t necessarily the answer. Instead, try implementing one change that has far-reaching effects.

Enter: AI.

These two little letters can seem intimidating, but integrating this technology into your workplace has the power to transform every aspect of your business—no exaggeration.

In short, AI helps you work smarter, not harder, so you can focus on what matters most: building a better business.

Dialpad is the cloud based, AI-powered phone system that supports voice, video, and messages all from your existing devices.

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7 Reasons to Ditch the Duct Tape and Embrace the Cloud

When your business is rapidly growing, it’s easy to fall into the habit of adopting quick-fix solutions to problems as they crop up. One area that tends to take a big hit is business communications.

Individual solutions may address short-term problems now, but they tend to create larger challenges in the future. This whitepaper can show you how to address today’s communications challenges while being prepared for tomorrow’s.

Dialpad is the cloud based, AI-powered phone system that supports voice, video, and messages all from your existing devices.

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The Top 5 Cures for CIO Insomnia

Since when did being a CIO mean sleep deprivation?

Being a CIO today means exhibiting a level of adaptation that would impress Darwin. It’s a position that’s increasingly dynamic, complex, and—dare we say it—more interesting than it’s ever been.

But the role isn’t without its list of sometimes daunting responsibilities that can keep just about anyone up at night. Here are five ways you can rise to the challenge and get the 8 hours you deserve.

Dialpad is the cloud based, AI-powered phone system that supports voice, video, and messages all from your existing devices.

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Playbook for the Modern IT Leader

Why so much complexity?

Being a modern IT leader no longer means working in isolation on a handful of projects or being the, “hey, fix my computer” department. Today, IT is intrinsic to every element of your enterprise. And while that’s brought a lot of great and exciting developments, simplicity isn’t one of them.

Dialpad is the cloud based, AI-powered phone system that supports voice, video, and messages all from your existing devices.

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