Automation App Delivery Datasheet

To successfully streamline and automate application delivery, businesses need effective technology and an effective framework. Red Hat® Consulting partners with enterprise organizations to create a strategic approach to app delivery and provide guidance on making operations more repeatable, predictable, and scalable. Using Red Hat Ansible Automation, Red Hat subject matter experts help businesses automate and streamline complicated workflows by speeding processes and eliminating human error. After establishing this foundation, Red Hat consultants show your teams how to manage workflows across multiple infrastructures to help you focus on delivering value to their business.

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How to Buy Backup and Recovery: A Customer’s Evaluation

This book is meant to be a quick read to provide insight on overcoming common obstacles when choosing enterprise backup and recovery technology. This book began when the author (a Frost Bank IT professional) set out to update his backup technology. As he performed online searches, he was unable to find credible information on new technologies to help him change his enterprise backup space paradigm. He wanted something different that could restore more quickly than his existing platform and take more frequent backups, including intra-day restore points. He also wanted something easier for his teams to use, with minimal training required to become fully operational. In the end analysis, his hope is to provide readers with the valuable insights he wished someone had shared with him during his search for the backup "promised land".

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2018 Contact Center Trends: Breaking Through The Barrier

By now, nearly all companies have realized that CX is the differentiator and customers value the experience above almost everything. Enormous effort and resources have been thrown at CX, and there have been huge gains. According to Forrester’s 2017 Customer Experience Index (CX IndexTM), however, CX quality plateaued or declined for most industries and companies.

So are we going to stay put or decline? Or are we going to punch through to the next level? 2018 will be the year where this is decided. So what will be the big stories? How will technology and automation advance the customer experience? Here’s our take on what we think will be the biggest trends in 2018.

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A Manufacturer’s Guide to Growing Profitably

This eBook and research identify five key factors that growing manufacturers believe contributed to their business growth last year, and five risks that manufacturers believe may prevent or weaken growth in the following year.

Even if you do your best to try to plan for future growth, there will be surprises along the way . This eBook highlights the importance of being able to plan accurately for growth, and suggests areas of your business that you can critique to assess your ability to effectively plan for growth . It also identifies the risk factors and consequences that manufacturers who don’t plan for growth leave themselves open to .

The eBook concludes that, whether addressing risk factors or embracing growth factors, it’s their IT systems that will make or break manufacturers’ growth ambitions . With the right IT in place, they’ll be able to make better and faster decisions, helping them provide better and faster service to customers even as they grow, increasing their agility and their profitability .

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RelativityOne Toolkit: eDiscovery Security in the Cloud

Today, over 13,000 organizations trust Relativity with their most sensitive e-discovery data. From user permissions, 24/7 monitoring, to our secure software development life cycle and our commitment to compliance, security is at the foundation of what we do. Download our toolkit to learn about:

  • The flexible tools and security built in to RelativityOne and our strong partnership with Azure.
  • Our culture of security and how we stay ahead of emerging threats.
  • How to address today’s biggest security concerns.

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Speed Your DevOps Pipeline by Including Database Development

DevOps can help deliver new releases faster and with fewer defects. But database development is often excluded. That’s because code testing and reviews would put a huge speedbump in the process. Until now.

In this tech brief, you’ll see how the Quest® Toad® DevOps Toolkit solution enables you to bring Oracle development into your Database DevOps pipeline, making for better and more reliable application deployments.

Discover how the Toad DevOps Toolkit makes it possible to integrate the following database development tasks into the DevOps framework:

  • Code reviews
  • Script execution
  • Database, schema and data compare and sync
  • PL/SQL unit testing
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Full e-book: Enabling Agile Database Development with Toad

Life is all about choices. You can choose to muddle through manual tasks, or you can get the e-book on automating agile database development. One choice will slowly drive you nuts, and the other will make you the MVP of your team. Save your sanity. Get this e-book.

Download your copy today, so you can easily reference expert tips to:

  • Improve your functional correctness, code quality, code maintainability and application performance.
  • Implement the automation components of Toad Development Suite for Oracle.
  • Integrate Toad DevOps Toolkit with your continuous integration servers.
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Managed Security Service Providers for Dummies

The conversation about “Why Cloud?” has long since passed for many businesses and the question has transitioned into “How Cloud?” and “Is it safe?” The value the cloud brings to a business is measured in many ways — from speeding innovation and reducing time to market to streamlining operations and reducing capital expenditures. However, one of the largest inhibitors to cloud adoption is concern around the security of leveraging a service provider in a multi-cloud world. Much is at stake protecting your customers and your business, and naturally, you should be cautious. Although some of these concerns are beginning to subside over time as cloud technologies continue to mature, traditional controls and processes must adapt to new platforms, new development methodologies, and advanced technologies.

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Skills for Agile Testers

In a modern software engineering team, keeping pace with the latest tools, skills and practices can be a significant challenge.

Make sure you stay ahead of the Agile Testing curve by implementing the latest Agile Practices. Combined with some Technical Skills that Aren’t Automation, and by selecting one or more of the Top Coding Skills to work on – you can take both your team, and your career to the next level.

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Automation App Delivery Datasheet

To successfully streamline and automate application delivery, businesses need effective technology and an effective framework. Red Hat® Consulting partners with enterprise organizations to create a strategic approach to app delivery and provide guidance on making operations more repeatable, predictable, and scalable. Using Red Hat Ansible Automation, Red Hat subject matter experts help businesses automate and streamline complicated workflows by speeding processes and eliminating human error. After establishing this foundation, Red Hat consultants show your teams how to manage workflows across multiple infrastructures to help you focus on delivering value to their business.

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Red Hat Open Innovation Labs EBook

Red Hat Open Innovation Labs is an immersive residency for modernizing application development. Developing applications can take years and cost millions, and security, compliance, and privacy requirements stall progress. IT teams are innovating faster and improving quality with DevOps. The approach is to make large-scale changes iteratively, instead of all at once-adjusting direction as you go. Learn how in this ebook about Red Hat Open Innovation Labs.

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7 Areas to Consider Before Selecting a Service Desk

With so many software tools on the market, you must account all variables that come with approaching an ITSM tool vendor in order to achieve the best ROI. This guide outlines the 7 most common things to consider when selecting an IT Service Desk. Read now!

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5 Ways to Improve IT Service Desk For Better End User Experience

It isn't a secret - end users and customers are demanding increased efficiency and better service, putting IT service desk staff under constant pressure to provide the best level of support. Thankfully, there are new and improved technologies that make it easier for service desk employees to meet and exceed service level agreements in the modern enterprise.

Read the eBook, 5 Ways to Improve the IT Service Desk for Better End User Experience, written by ITSM expert Stephen Mann, as he focuses on ways to improve your end user's experience with IT Service Desk improvements.

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5 Ways to Improve IT Service Delivery While Reducing Cost

Keeping costs low is a top priority for many organizations that implement IT Service Management best practices. Many organizations struggle to successfully find the balance of delivering services while staying within budget. Noted ITSM expert and author Stephen Mann shares his insights on how to improve service delivery and increase ROI in this eBook.

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Fight the Phishing Epidemic and Win-The 5 Biggest Challenges and How to Attack Back

Phishing is one of the most devastating threats hitting organizations every day. And it's the most dangerous and costly cyber threat across the globe. A single successful phishing attempt against your employees provides the foothold cyber criminals need to access your corporate network.

A joint study between Google and UC Berkeley looked at the various ways accounts are compromised. The result: phishing attacks were identified as the greatest risk to users.

This guide details the top five challenges organizations face in fighting phishing threats and how a new approach can finally solve your biggest corporate inbox risk.

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