Sponsor: CA Technology
CA PPM Datasheet
Break Away to Efficient, Responsive Project and Portfolio Management
As a result, you face growing demands for mobile technologybased apps and services – on top of your backlog of already ongoing strategic initiatives. And when priorities keep changing, functioning effectively is difficult without Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) tools that support your need for additional oversight, better decision-making and more efficient use of resources.
CA Clarity PPM Estimated Benefits Calculator
Click on this download to learn more.
Unlock the Mystery of Effective Strategic Planning
Your response? Consistently select the right projects and bring in-demand products and services to market quickly.
TechInsights Report: The Changing Role of IT and What to Do About It
It’s in IT’s hands at the moment, but the window of opportunity is closing as lines of business get tech-savvy, spending more of their budgets on IT projects and re-examining the role that IT plays in advising them. IT can either define a new role for itself which embraces this change, or ignore it and risk becoming increasingly irrelevant to the business.