Securing Microsoft Exchange 2010

There are many reasons why now is the right time to make the move to Microsoft Exchange Server 2010,including a host of administration and security improvements. However, as with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Exchange 2010 requires SSL certificates to ensure the security of all connections to the email server. This guide from Thawte is designed to take the guesswork out of implementing SSL for Exchange 2010, making it easier than ever to get the SSL certificate you need for a successful and secure Exchange implementation, and to take advantage of powerful capabilities such as Subject Alternative Names (SANs).
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Securing Multiple Domains with SSL

As the backbone of web security, secure sockets layer (SSL) technology is a must for securing sensitive data passing over the Internet — whether that's e-commerce traffic, remote access to internal servers, or other secure communications. Usually, one SSL certificate secures just one domain name or URL; however, some common situations are better handled with a type of certificate that allows multiple domains to be secured with just one certificate. Read this guide to learn about typical situations where multiple domain certificates are the ideal solution, how multiple domain certificates work, and how to select the right multi-domain certificate for your needs.
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Creating an E-Commerce Website: A Do -It- Yourself Guide

In this guide, you'll learn about what goes into creating your own do-it-yourself (DIY) e-commerce web site, from picking the right tools and services you’ll need to create your web pages, to selecting the best hosting provider and payment solution to fit your business, to figuring out the best security for your site.
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The Role of Linux in Datacenter Modernization

This IDC white paper looks at the transition that today's datacenters have to move through to adapt to and leverage the changing technologies that will be the underpinnings of tomorrow's compute paradigm. This transition includes the standardization of infrastructure software, the commoditization and standardization of hardware layers, and the changing programming model that customers will utilize for next-generation applications. This IDC white paper looks at Linux as an enabler to help organizations respond to and leverage these changing paradigms.
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Firesheep and Sidejacking

The recent release of the Firesheep Wi-Fi attack tool has increased awareness among both users and attackers of the inherent insecurity of unprotected HTTP connections. Users on unprotected networks who connect to websites through plain HTTP connections expose their connections to those sites to open surveillance and full compromise.
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How Extended Validation SSL Can Help Increase Online Transactions and Improve Customer Confidence

Phishing scams and online fraud have created an environment of fear and doubt among online consumers. Phishing is a form of “man-in-the-middle” attack that uses emails and websites that appear legitimate to trick visitors into sharing personal information. These types of attacks were developed by hackers to circumvent SSL’s end-to-end capabilities. The phishing threat continues to grow, and up to 35,000 new phishing sites are detected every month. Even if you are not a target, phishing casts its net far and wide and it has a detrimental effect on consumer confidence.
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Symantec™ Managed PKI for SSL

Businesses and organizations of all kinds rely on websites, intranets, and extranets to exchange confidential information and enable eCommerce. For businesses, protecting intellectual property as well as customer data in transit is a top priority. Just as important, consumers need to know that they can trust their online transactions.
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OpenStack® Technology Breaking the Enterprise Barrier

This book explains how cloud computing is a solution to the problems facing data centers today and to highlight the cutting-edge technology (including OpenStack cloud computing) that HP helped bring to the current stage. Once you more fully understand this relatively new technical approach, we believe you too will see that it’s the right choice for the future of cloud computing.

HP is the sponsor of this material. By submitting your information you agree to be contacted by HP on topics of interest. Before deciding please review HP's privacy statement

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Creating Stunning Apps for Both Web and Mobile

Today there is vast pressure on business and IT to keep up with user expectations as advanced technology makes its way into the world of enterprise. Users are now demanding various types of sophisticated enterprise apps that not only work on their mobile devices, but have all the same abilities as consumer apps they already know and love.
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BrightRoll wanted to build the world’s fastest real-time bidding (RTB) solution for digital video advertising, a business in which milliseconds make the difference between a completed transaction and a missed opportunity. The company expanded its technology infrastructure by locating its video ad exchange in Equinix data centers and interconnecting directly to exchange participants to circumvent the public Internet. This significantly reduced latency and improved matched transactions on the exchange, increasing business opportunities and revenues for all participants.
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The Hidden Real Time Computing Foundation That is Disrupting the World

By now, it’s evident that the speed of business is heading inexorably toward “real time,” and that means that industry by industry, a specialized infrastructure is emerging to support disruptive forms of business that has the net effect of driving higher yields for an entire ecosystem. Most of this happens quietly in the background, but without latency-reducing direct interconnections, the recent transformations of financial trading and online advertising would have been impossible. Since many more industries will follow finance and advertising, it is imperative for leaders to understand how to make an industry operate in real time.
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Equinix’s Ad-IX ecosystem grows – why it matters to the enterprise

Equinix introduced the concept of the Ad-IX ecosystem for video advertising in April in hopes of finding the next launchpad that would help grow low-latency interconnect and colocation services. The company is reporting back six months later that it is, indeed, growing a valuable ecosystem of video advertising participants – 85 ad-tech companies that are counted as part of the Equinix customer base are part of Ad-IX.
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Mitigating Risk of Cloud with SSL

Businesses are increasingly turning to cloud computing for flexibility, cost savings, and a new range of services offered by cloud vendors. The users of cloud computing services and cloud vendors have a shared responsibility to protect private and confidential information.

Mitigation of the security risks associated with cloud computing involves:

• Protecting data moving into and out of the cloud

• Protecting data at rest in the cloud

• Authenticating servers in the cloud

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