Optimizing the Hybrid Cloud

This analyst paper examines how Power architecture provides the scalability to leverage and support expanding needs of organizations to accommodate more users and more data.
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Service Providers: How Storage Infrastructure Can Help You Differentiate And Add Value To Your Cloud Storage Services

This paper examines customer expectations regarding cloud storage, and how your choice of infrastructure impacts your ability to deliver on those expectations. Infrastructure can help differentiate your service and create value for your clients. Read tips on selecting the right storage infrastructure that addresses clients’ evolving and demanding needs for storing, protecting and accessing their data and how IBM XIV Storage can address the needs of today’s services providers.
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Monitor Activity and Secure Access to Office 365

With Imperva Skyfence, your organization can leverage Office 365 to enhance productivity, communication and collaboration – securely. Skyfence works seamlessly with Office 365 to give you visibility and control over all usage, and to proactively respond to suspicious and anomalous activity that could indicate a threat to your organization and confidential data.
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BPM Suite: Why You Need Business Process Management

This white paper is aimed at those interested in enhancing the efficiency of their business by the use of BPM technology. It will demonstrate how BPM can make a positive impact on the allimportant bottom line by the use of business rules and process management, and show how the features and capabilities of JBoss BPM Suite provide the ideal platform for your business.
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Meet Business Demands and Drive I.T. Innovation

Red Hat can help you gain control of your IT infrastructure at a lower cost. Red Hat®Enterprise Linux® and Red Hat Virtualization gives you the simplified management, military-grade security, and infrastracture flexibility you need to respond quickly to business demands now and innovate in the future. Plus, you’ll be ready for the move to the cloud when the right time comes.
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Casio Strengthens Its Core IT Infrastructure with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization

Casio set out to create and transform its business through the use of innovative IT. In doing so, the company wanted to deliver IT solutions that created business processes and contributed to effective business management. Red Hat® Enterprise Virtualization has not only cut costs for Casio, but has also helped the company effectively handle business management challenges and prepare for a future cloud environment.
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Flying High on the Use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

When a company sells services to a consumer audience primarily through a Web user interface (UI), that Web UI had better be online and available, all the time, especially if you are an airline. Such is the real-world scenario that faces Chris Skretowski, Linux Specialist at Devon, United Kingdom–based Flybe, Europe's largest regional airline.
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Preparing for Private Cloud and Hybrid IT with Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure

Red Hat has developed a flexible, integrated solution that meets these requirements and helps organizations adopt a cloud infrastructure for both traditional and cloud-enabled workloads. Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure (RHCI) provides a datacenter virtualization platform for traditional applications and OpenStack for next-generation cloud applications, as well as a cloud management platform (CMP) to unify the management across both workload types, running on-premise or in public clouds. It is clear that enterprises will require a full solution to realize the many benefits of cloud while maintaining control and governance. RHCI is a prime example of a cloud solution that can help enterprises make the migration.
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Service Virtualization For Dummies

Discover service virtualization and how it fits into the big picture of software quality. In this book, Service Virtualization For Dummies, IBM Limited Edition written by industry analysts Marcia Kaufman and Judith Hurwitz, learn how to deliver higher quality software by increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your testing processes while reducing testing downtime and testing cost.
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Agile for Dummies

Confused by all the agile advice? Relax! With Agile For Dummies by your side you’ll learn the fundamentals of agile and how to increase the productivity of your software teams while enabling them to produce higher-quality solutions that better fulfill customer needs much faster.
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萬用字元和 SAN 憑證: 認識多用途 SSL 憑證

在網際網路上運用網頁式服務時,SSL 憑證就成為驗證與安全性的業界標準。根據 您對 SSL 憑證的使用規畫,多用途憑證可以提供比傳統憑證豐富的彈性。多用途 憑證能保護多個完整網域名稱 (FQDN) 和子網域,降低您的管理成本,並且簡化 憑證安裝、管理和部署程序。
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SSL 憑證 新手指南

無論您是個人或企業,網路安全防護就如同為居家或公司提供的保全,不容等閒 視之。因為這些措施不僅可以讓您自身感到更安全,亦可以保護造訪您府上、公 司或網站的訪客。瞭解潛在的風險,並確實獲得完整的保護,這一點至為重要。科技的發展瞬息萬變,要時時掌握最新科技並不容易。因此,挑選聲譽卓著的網 際網路安全性公司作為合作夥伴,是明智的做法。

本指南將揭開相關技術的神秘面紗,並在您考慮線上安全性選項時,為您提供所 需的資訊。如需參閱詞彙表,請見本文件結尾處的「輕鬆科技漫談」。
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2014 年網站安全威脅研究報告

2013 年有幾項備受關注的焦點,包括網路間諜活動、隱私威 脅和內部人員的惡意行為。然而至 2013 年底,我們意識到 網路犯罪依然猖獗,而網路罪犯所造成的破壞仍繼續籠罩著 企業和消費者,無疑是令人痛苦的回憶。2013 年的 8 起資料 洩露事件中,每一起都洩露 1000 多萬份身份資訊,目標式 攻擊有增無減。

附 賽門鐵克的安全專家收集和分析的資料。本摘要中,我們著 重於主要領域。
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Raise Your Google SEO Ranking with Symantec

Google is the world’s most popular search engine, and intends to stay that way. Its popularity is a reflection of its aim to provide the best possible user experience. Today, that means a secure experience, which is why Google now boosts a site’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) ranking if it secures the entire user session by HTTPS. Essential to a site’s success, SEO helps a business to be found, so higher ranking means more site traffic.
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